Chapter 18: Dead? Or no?

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Tadashi's POV

I couldn't think straight. It hurt to much. My side was in complete and utter pain. I groaned in pain as my vision began to fade to black. I heard Baymax inflate behind me. His familiar footsteps grew louder as he approached me, but suddenly they grew quieter. I could feel myself going out as Baymax's faint voice spoke to me. I knew what he was saying but couldn't make it out clearly.

I looked up a bit to see Hiro and the gang rushing in to find my injured and half dead body on the floor, with a Baymax next to it. I could barely make out Hiro yelling my name, Honey and the gang doing the same.

"--Dashi!! Tadashi!! C'mon, man, you'll ma--"

Everything went black.
Chántel's POV

Juan had taken me back home again, to Texas. I didn't know why, but I felt normal again. I didn't have to act like a city kid to fit in, because I wasn't a city kid. I was a country girl.

I still had the ring and the baseball cap, so I put them into a box and hid them away. I didn't want to marry Juan, I still love Tadashi, but I didn't want to return so San Fransokyo either.

When I arrived home, I pulled out boot cut jeans, a white t-shirt, a pair of dusty old cowgirl boots, and a cowboy hat. Now, most people say: don't you mean cowgirl hat? No. I mean cowboy hat.

It was a sturdy, white hat with a leather strap around the base of the cover and the brim. I put my normal style of clothing on and threw those other clothes in a box with the rest of my San Fransokyo memories.

Juan walked in.
"What do you want, Juan."
"Just to see you."
"Go away!"
"Why should I?"
"Because: I'm not marrying you and you should leave me alone!"
"Your 'love' is dead, Chántel. He's dead and that's final."
"I know. And I've vowed never to marry anyone ever again, unless you are lying and then and only then will I marry Tadashi."
"You know you can't do that!"
"Oh can't I?"

I stormed out of my room and outside towards the barn. It was a large, red barn like any other. When I reached it, I ran to the back corner, where there was a large woodpile. I sat on the top and held my head in my hands.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. A picture of me and Tadashi after the gang war, on our first date. I smiled and laughed, but the laugh quickly faded into sobs as hot tears seared their way down my cheeks.

Tadashi's smile was captured in the pixels and that was all I thought I had left of him.

((A/N: sorry to make this so short!!! I won't be posting very often until grades come out so bear with me as I go through the pains of trying to get on the a-honor roll. I hope to update soon again!! Thanks for being patient and waiting on my stupid self!!! ~ 💙💙A.S.))

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