Chapter 19: Disabled

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Tadashi's POV

I awoke in a hospital room, bandaged and hooked up to several machines. My side stung with pain and there was a ringing in my ears. I couldn't feel my right leg.


I couldn't feel my right leg.

I tried to move it. Nothing happened. Why wasn't it working. Had it been amputated? No. My injury was in my side. Why couldn't I move?!

Then it hit me: I was disabled. The knife must've cut through one or more of my major nerves that connected my leg to my brain. That's the only explanation. I couldn't think of much else. I covered my face with my hands as I cried silently to myself.
The worst things were happening to me now. I lost my fiancé, I'm disabled, and I don't know where Chán is.

No. I wasn't going to accept that. There had to be a solution. I just have to figure it out.

"Mr. Hamada?" The doctor had walked in on me thinking to myself.
"Ah, good. You're up."
"We...have some---"
"Bad news. I noticed."
"You're disabled."
"Sir, I minor in medical sciences."
"Ah....makes sense. You do appear to be a brilliant young man."
"I'm afraid that there is no way to repair your leg unless you wish for a prosthetic--"
"I don't want a prosthetic."
"Why? Most people want one the instant they discover their disability."
"I'm gonna find a way to repair my leg."
"That's impossible--"
"Nothing's impossible if you put your mind to it."
"Well.... I've never had this conversation with any of my patients before..."
"I'm not your average patient."
"I can see that."
"I would like to be discharged as soon as possible so that I may begin my work."
"A week."
"I'm sorry--"
"Mr. Hamada--"
"Now." I couldn't stand it any longer. I began to try to stand. It didn't work. The doctor quickly ran to help me stand and climb back into the hospital bed.
"Mr. Hamada, you must allow your side injuries to recover."
"Fine. A week."
"Good. I'll be back later to check on you."

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