Chapter 2: Tadashi the Kidnapper

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Chántel's POV

I stood there sadly, as my bridesmaids helped me fix my dress. I looked down at my dress.

It was beautiful, made from white silk with lace slipping down the sides of the skirt. It had long silk sleeves that changed into lace about an inch down from the elbow. It was v-neck. I had a silver tiara with white diamonds in my hair, that was put up into a bun. It connected to a long, pale veil. The train was pretty long, distancing about a foot or two from the hem of my dress.

They had actually put makeup on my face. It made my tan skin look whiter. My parents had given me colored contacts, telling me to wear them rather than 'those plain ones that show those horrible water-colored eyes'. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. Amber colored contacts. I was wearing tickle-pink lipstick (my least favorite color) and eye shadow, which, apparently, made my eyes stand out. I wanted to cry so bad, but all my tears were gone. I had wasted them all on the plane ride, crying for my deleted designs, my friends, and, most of all, for Tadashi.

I hadn't seen what had happened to any of my friends, but Juan told me that they were all dead. I teared up just at the thought of Tadashi being dead. But I quickly had to blink them back, otherwise I would have to go through the whole 'Come on Chántel, just a few more touches' thing again. A few more? More like a million more.

I looked at my hands, long and thin. The ring was gone, soon to be replaced by a silver ring of hatred.

When they were done, I asked my bridesmaids to leave me alone for a while. Once they were gone, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw why my mother had said I looked just like her on her wedding day. If it wasn't for my naturally blue eyes and darker skin, I would look just like her.

I told someone that I was going for a quick walk in the garden outside of the church. Once I was outside, I walked into the garden. It was peaceful and quiet. I sat there, and stared into the sky. My heels were killing me, so I pulled them off and held them to my chest. They were going to be carrying me the entire way to my doom. Or so I thought. I closed my eyes and felt a breeze fly past me. But then it came past me again, and carried me away.

I opened my eyes to see that I was hundreds of feet above the ground. Above the church, above my doom.

"I've got her, let's meet at the rally point and head home. It was almost too easy," I heard Tadashi's voice speak into a communication device.
"T-Tadashi?! But y-you're dead!"
"Chán, I couldn't break my promise."
"Oh, Tadashi!" I said to him as I held onto him and dropped my heels down below onto the church lawn. We flew away.
We flew a little ways, to the nearest gas station, where he set me down among the gang. I almost cried my heart out. I thought they had all been killed.

My bare feet hurt. I needed to get out of this dress and get away.

"Chántel, this belongs to you," Tadashi said as he grabbed my hand.

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