Chapter 11: Lie,

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~4 years ago; the Lucky Cat Cafe; Senior year~

Tadashi's POV

It had only been a few days since I had become her boyfriend and I decided it was time for a date. Just a small one, not much because I couldn't offer her much. I didn't know what to do besides the games and since neither the Rangers nor the Ninjas were to play anytime soon, I thought a small cafe dinner would be nice. Little did I know, she had something planned for me.

About 3:00PM, she pulled me out of the cafe. She took me to a small warehouse. I was quite confused until I realized something: this is where she went after class. She had tied a navy blue bandana around her head. The bandana had a symbol. A white wing. She knocked on the warehouse door and it opened slightly. A young man looked at her and smiled.
"Welcome home, Changeling!"
She giggled at the nickname and he opened the door for him. When I tried to walk in he stopped me. "Changeling, who's this?"

"Tadashi, my boyfriend. I thought I'd bring him for a little fun."
"Alright..... Tadashi....your name shall be..... TadaShine! It'll work. You'll need this though." He handed me a navy blue bandana with a white wing symbol. "Welcome to the club."

I followed Chántel. "Umm...Chántel? Do you mind telling me what's going on?"

She turned a heel and smiled. I almost ran into her. "Welcome to the White Feather! This is my gang. I come here after school to hang around. We're all graffiti artists."
"Umm...who let us in?" I asked her as I tied the bandana on.
"Oh him? That's Jon. He, Marshall and I founded this together. We decided that we needed code names for each other just incase we were caught by our rival-graffiti-gang, the Black Light. We are very suspicious of them. They like to attack our works of art." She turned around and walked over to a small desk in the corner of the room. "Oh, TadaShine? Word of advice: here don't call me by my normal name. You won't be called by yours. I'm Changeling."

I looked at her desk. It was covered in scale drawings of buildings and artwork that I had seen on the buildings. Next to her desk was a bag filled with spray paint. Of all colors except pink. Wow. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I told Hiro to stay out of trouble, but she was deeper in the water than I thought. She pulled out a design of an older building and began to sketch out a design of a humongous feather. I enjoyed watching her. Until she took the design, the bag and me out the door.

We ran through the city streets. It was about 4:00PM. She searched out the place on a map and literally ran though town to get to the building. Then she started painting. Within the hour she had created the most beautiful yet most simple feather I had ever seen. That's when it happened.

A few men in black masks ran towards us and attacked us. I threw a few punches, but they kept coming at me. There were at least five of them. Two of them had taken Chántel, of course not without a fight. The next thing I knew, I got a roundhouse kick to the face and I was on the ground.
When I awoke, I was in another warehouse, tied to a chair. Chántel was next to me, but still out for the count.

A man in a black mask walked up to us and kicked Chántel until she woke up. When she came to her senses I could see the look of genuine anger and fear on her face as she seemed to recognize the man. All of the people here seemed to have black masks that had three outward lines that represented rays of light. The Black Light.

"You! What are you doing? Let us go!" Chántel screamed at the man.
"Miss me yet, Changeling?"
"You wish. I know you well! You'll always miss me."
"Yea always in your nightmares."
The man laughed at her back talk. Then he looked at me. "So you got another recruit, huh. Poor guy doesn't know what's in store for him, does he?"

She looked at him angrily. She stared him in the eyes and spoke in a tone I would've never thought could come out of such sweet lips. "If you mean the gang war, then no. And I thought we made a pact with your gang! Where's Blueyes?"
"He's not our leader anymore. Jailed for graffitiing SFIT. I'm in charge here now, sweetheart."
"Don't you DARE CALL ME THAT!!"
"I can call you what I will. And I brought you here so you could send a message to Purplepolish: Black Light isn't sticking with the treaty anymore. We don't care who's side of the city this is, we're painting on any building we want to."
"You're going to destroy everything Blueyes worked for?! Who are you?"
"I can't believe you asked me that, Changeling! It's me, Moonstone."
"You're not the same Moonstone I remember. The Moonstone I know wouldn't be giving up all that Blueyes made, but honor it."

The man growled angrily and slapped her. I was furious at what I was seeing. I struggled against the simple, yet well tied, ropes. I felt awful for not protecting her from that.
"I'm so sorry Changeling," I said softly as I pulled myself free of the ropes. "Sorry I couldn't protect you from that." And with those words I gave a good hard uppercut to Moonstone's chin. He was lying on the ground, out for the count. Black-masked me started towards us. Suddenly, there was banging on the warehouse door. And then BOOM. There were men and women with navy bandanas everywhere. Two of them grabbed me and Chántel and hightailed it out of there.

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