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"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

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"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"


"On the seventh hour of the first day of October, 1989, a woman went into labor."

- One is the loneliest number -

The surgeon hushed the small infant as she finished the job of bringing it into this world.

- That you'll ever do -

The surgeon walked towards the father of baby. "Mr. Jenkins, meet your son." She said. The man carefully took the baby boy into his hands.

"This was unusual in no way whatsoever. The culmination of a normal, average pregnancy."

"Harold." The man said.

"The child was average in ever way. Unfortunately for the world, the circumstances of his raising..."

High pitched beeping went off. The mother's soul of the newborn child was fading away. Disappearing. The doctors and surgeons ran towards her, trying to bring her back.

"...Were anything but."

- One is the loneliest number -

"Code!" A nurse yelled.

"Get a crash cart in here now!"

"BP 80 over 30, she's coding." Another nurse said.


Mr. Jenkins watched in his own utter silence. His wife was gone. His son grew up...

His father drank his sorrow away every day.

On the year 2002, only thirteen year old, he played with his Umbrella Academy action figures. "Help, Harold. Help us. Worry not, Umbrella Academy."

- It's just no good anymore -

- Since you went away -

Harold knocked over an action figure with the toy in his hands. "I'll save you from the evil Doctor Terminal." He knocked over more toys.

- Now I spend my time -

- Just making rhymes of yesterday -

"Bang! Bang!"

SKYFALL - F. HARGREEVES¹ - THE UMBRELLA ACADEMYWhere stories live. Discover now