the catacombs

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One second he was finishing eating his half cookie, and the second he had a clawed fist blowing a hole in his chest!

He didn't recognize his shrouding, it was alien to him, it warped in a way that didn't make sense. The same goes for the "Thing" that apparently killed him, twisted beyond all hope of sense, and shape.

He finally understood what Lovecraft meant when describing the elder Gods.

No gamer body, no phoenix regeneration...and yet even though he felt himself dying, he was forced into living!

He was unable to move in any way, he felt himself moving, but here it just seemed as he was standing still! It didn't even made sense as the hole in his chest went completely through him! He had a large fragmen of his spine missing, yet he was still standing and feeling his legs.

Magic, Aura...nothing worked, all he could do is scream as the being started to peal his skin off.



... And that's how it started.

He didn't know for how long he was being held hostage in there, it felt like months if not year's! Even when most of his flesh gave away, even when he was just a skeleton, somehoe that thing found thousand's of ways to hurt him, stoping only when he was reduced into nothingness!

After that, he woke up.

Do you have any idea how weird it is to wake up from death? One moment you just realize that you exist again.

It's bizarre, you were nothing, just nothingness in the void, and then you exist again, just like that!

All he did is lay there, gasping for air, tears streaming down his face.

I don't care how tough you think you are...what he went trough would traumatize the hardest of man.

Getting up he tried to understand what happened, tried to understand what he experienced. But all he could remember is a lot of pain and senseless chaos!

(Y/n): hey, you there?

He asked, expecting his system to respond.

However only silence greeted him.

(Y/n): okay...okay, I'm fine.

He tried to reassure himself.

Looking around he saw he was in some sort of catacombs. The memories about a documentary show came back to his head.

A show he once stumbled on accident when going through channels on the TV. It was before he was reincarnated.

That particular episode was about the catacombs bellow Paris, a place where many people were lost.

By all means, that place was a complete trap! A maze that even Daedalus -the man who made the maze to imprison the minotaur- would be impressed by.

And the place he found himself is similar...well at least the walls look the same way...

Getting up he tried to move forward, but he immediately collapsed as phantom pain burned his legs.

He fought back his tears, as he got up again and started to walk with a sluggish tempo.

He didn't know where he was going, it was either forward or backward.

He chose forward, and the first decision came.

Left or right?

He chose left and continued his journey.

He didn't know what this place was, or even where it was. The air was moist, and had a stench of mould, even though he didn't see any.

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