anwsers (this chap is cannon)

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this chapter is cannon, (y/n) was teleported here when he was trying to get SCP-999


(y/n): okay i give up, where the f*ck am i?

[God has decided to immortalize your adventures on a website called "wattpad" and he made a special chapter where he asked your fans to ask you questions]

(y/n): all i need is to answer questions right?

[yes, you may even get a reward after this.]

(y/n): okay! lets start!

@Angryslayer2011 "steal Rick gun."

(y/n): HELL NO! are you crazy!? in one of the episodes of season 4 he used the power of science to battle a god in a fist fight!! im not suicidal!

@WuhanMan "will you visit Hyperdimension Neptunia?"

(y/n): i dont know what that is...Maybe? i dont know, i need to learn what that world is like.

[i can show you when you will have nothing to do.]

(y/n): okay.

@Wierdguy3 "will you visit Eragon universe?"

(y/n): thank you for reminding me of that universe, i will add it to the list.

@Rightm8 "wanna get drunk together?"

(y/n): Bitch im Polish, do you even need to ask? HELL YEAH!

@LordPastamon "could the MC get a stand/ a stand arrow?"

(y/n): okay 1. that username is fucking amazing! 2. i could but i dont really want a stand, but who knows maybe i will change my mind in the future

@neonsmith "whats your favorite cartoon show?"

(y/n): idk to be honest, to many to choose.

[since there was a possibility that this question was directed to the author (god), from now on i will be answering for him]


[hey, god here!]

(y/n): hey boss, how ya'doing?

[very good my child, as for the question...i think either "Gravity Falls", or "teenage mutant ninja turtles"]

@Yeelenparker "do you turn cheetos into a fine dust then snort them?


[Its not easy being cheesy...*SNORT!* AH! THATS THE SHIT!]

(y/n): ...

@TheDiamondAssasin_ "If you learned the truth of everything would you accept it even if it is not what you wanted or would you try to search for another truth?"

(y/n): damn thats deep...hmm...honestly, i dont know... if "the truth of everything" was something that i wouldnt like, i would try to search for another truth, but if i could not find it...i would make it.

[i honestly dont care as long as i can eat fast food and waste my life on my bed]

@Skagg31 "What happened whit ruby?"

[right now...nothing, after all RWBY world has its time frozen when (y/n) is not in it. The same goes for that Fantasy world he visited and is the messiah of]

@MeepsAlot "I'm just asking everyone, know any good shows?"

(y/n): "the 100"

["breaking bad"]

(y/n): "the witcher"


(y/n): "Dr.who"

["Sunny family cult" its on YT by the way]

(y/n): i cant think of anything more...

[me neither.]

(y/n): okay, next question then

@NightmareSkull1223 "Mc are ya gonna go on a crusade for the holy hand grenade?"

(y/n): i will put that in my "to do list"

@LazyDinoSage "Pineapple or no pineapple?"

[fun fact that comment was longer but i was to lazy to put the entire thing...]

(y/n): i would do the for the question, i never eat Pizza with Pineapple so i dont know.

[same as the Mc]

@Black9Fox "Do you snort hot cheeto dust?"

(y/n): wtf, no...

[well "hot cheeto Dust" only when im drunk, and normal cheeto dust when im not drunk]

@Zer04859 "what is your favorite video game?"

(y/n): if it comes to lore and story, i would say "the witcher" as i love both the books and games! if it comes to just a "sit down and relax" game i would say minecraft.

[same thing as the MC]

@ultamint "whats your favorite food?"

(y/n): fast food

[once again...same, but i need to chose i would say "taco"]

@pharrellCarrigan "when is he fighting with Yang?"

(y/n): when im 100% sure that i will survive the fight...

[RWBY universe is more OP then you think, and before one of you say "didnt you say that Issei can put up a fight against her?" i only meant that he almost as good in Hand to hand combat but not in power.]

(y/n): well dont worry, i am thinking of a bullshit way to make myself stronger, so it will be soon...i hope...

@slimesgoSPLAT "author are you going to send MC to the Dragon ball universe?"


(y/n): wait what?

[okay. i frozen the MC because he should not hear this...and to answer your question...i already did, and none of you knew ;)]

[nah but seriously the first one to solve this mystery will get a cookie, but only after the "Plot twist" is going to be shown]

[Time will move once again...]

(y/n): ... did you just froze time?

[yes, next question!]

(y/n): but why?


@Dogobou "are you planing to send the MC to the JoJo's?"

(y/n): i was planing on learning Hamon, but since i have the vampire mask from JoJo i dont know what to chose...

[well actually...]

(y/n): ...what? is there a way to get both?

[well two ways]

(y/n): can you tell me?

[either become a perfect being like kars...or...]

(y/n): or what?

[or drink enough Dragon blood to become a daywalker]

(y/n): how does that work?!?

[Dracula means "son of the dragon" not "son of the devil" as many believe...Dracula had a {dragon bloodline} and since Vampire blood and Dragon blood mix VERY nicely, he was able to be a daywalker...not to mention that it also gives you 50% power to your stats.]

(y/n): be a vampire, drink dragoon blood, and learn hamon...


(y/n): would Issei blood work?

[even if you drink all his blood it would barely work, He has dragon blood thank to Draig, but he is still mostly Human]

(y/n): hmm...

[next question!]

@Dogobou "what happened to the Dragonborn? did he unlocked his Aura and became a god?"

(y/n): okay first, the one who unlocked his Aura was ME! and second...isnt he basically a demi-god level by being the dragonborn already?

[yes, but with his Aura unlocked he can become a god]

(y/n): what have i done...

[Dont worry, if he became a god he will need to fallow MY rules...i am the King of Gods after all...]

(y/n): the multiverse is not in danger? good...

@TheOfficialLies "Okay for the mc, when are you gonna have sex with Ruby? What position? I want a detailed answer on your sex plan"

(y/n): *blush* ..............................................................

[ i think you broke him....but knowing him, he would probably not touch her in that way until she is legal, and as for the position...probably something boring like like "missionary position"]

(y/n): ...cowgirl?



(y/n): shut up!

[but to be honest, for the first time use the "missionary position" and try the "cowgirl" and other positions only after the first time. After all you dont want to make the poor girl do all the work on her first time right ;)]

(y/n): i said SHUT UP!!! NEXT QUESTION!

@Lazer_Legion "Will our MC ever venture into the Warhammer 40k or Bloodborne universes?"

(y/n): i was planing to go, to " Warhammer 40k" but i dont know anything about "Bloodborne" sooooooo-no.

@anchadux "Hey are you a fan of therussianbadger and MISFITS(that includes fits,swaggersouls etc.) For the crusader when will we get back to the rwby universe you know the universe we were suppose to save from salem or something to do with that I don't know its been so long since we last been there."

[yes i am a fan of "therussianbadger" and i watch from time to time the "MISFITS"]

(y/n): okay 1, Salem is too OP right now for me to even dream about killing her. And 2, i was planing to go back to RWBY after i am done with DxD.

@WuhanMan "AITA for not showing up at my own funeral?

So I (74M) was recently hit by a car (2014 Honda) and died. My wife (5F) organized me a funeral (cost $2747) without asking me (74M) at all. I (74M) was unable to make it because I (74M) was dead (17 days). At the funeral, I heard my dad (15M) and other family members talking about how they wish I could be there and now I feel bad for not showing up. AITA?"

[well you technically were at the funeral its just that nobody could see your no, your not the asshole]

(y/n): i agree with boss

@EBYrsTruly "When is he gonna get together with Ruby? And what's the movie that made the most impact in your childhood?"

[as he said, after he beats Yang, and as for the movie...well i dont know if it was the one with "the most impact" but charlotte's web made me cry for an hour when i was little...i think it was one of the first film that introduced my child brain to the concept of death.]

@MainKarma35510 "when will he go back to RWBY?"

(y/n): as i said before...after im done with DxD universe

@MainKarma35510 "What's his favorite food and what's yours"

(y/n): fast food.


@kraffsole "is there any other crusader than the MC ?"

[a whole army scattered trough the multiverse.]

(y/n): wait really?!

[yeah, you just didnt meet any of them]

(y/n): ...huh...neat.

[okay that was all! thanks for your time (y/n), i shall reward you with a lottery spin]

(y/n): nice

[and i shall also reward you with your own SCP-999, he will be put in your treasure bag together with prince slime]

(y/n): even better!

[okay, not that all is done, i shall teleport you to "bersek" right at the moment when Casca is going to get a panic attack when she will see guts]

(y/n): okay, bye!

[see yah]

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