that bitch...

1.7K 55 139

[Level 7]

[HP: 150 ( let's be real...y/n NEVER DIES!)]

[MP: 1.000 (magic nuke)]

[Aura: 57.000 (he devoured a LOT of souls...)]

[Str: he can kill a man with his pinky finger! (80.2)]

[Spd: FAST AS FUCK BOI! (98.5)]

[Dex: ever saw a cat lick itself, and thought "how the fuck is your spine not broken?"...yeah, that. (70.4)]

[End: he can get kicked in the dick by Thanos and not even flinch! (99.9) ]

[Def: Fucking infinite as long as he has his true Aura on! (100.1)]

[Int: BIG BRAIN! (79.8)]

[Wis: The wisdom of 1,000 sages. (80.7)]

[Note: 1 point is the power of 1 healthy adult]

Hmm, so my level got changed to 1, and i leveled up into lv7 when i killed the soul eaters, and the destroyer of worlds....

At least thanks to my new soul eating necklace I'm able to raise my stats faster.

(Y/n): Alright, time to see how it goes.

Right now I'm in the wilderness. Not the emerald forest, after all Oz has his cameras there, and what I'm about to do is not something i want him to know...not now.

(Y/n): alright, first stage.

Demons from the seven deadly sins anime -the more human like- have certain stages they can transform into by allowing the dark magic shroud them.

Other non human-like demons have those too, but it's more noticable on human-like demons.

The first stage is rather simple.

I felt the dark magic inside me, and brought it out. But instead of simply using it, i was going a step beyond, and allowing it to merge with my body.

I could feel the difference! It was not something you could describe, trying to describe this feeling, would be the same as trying to explain how a sixth sense would feel like to a person who has only 5 sense's! Its just impossible to wrap your head around it.

I also noted how ... comfortable it was.

Mia: woah...papa is more dark now.

She whispered in a childish sense of amazement.

"More" darker? Does Mia feel my natural Grimm DNA? that's the only reason I can think of, why else would she use the word "more"? It also shows that she is able to sense dark magic apparently...

Huh, neat.

I rubed her head with my index finger, and then walked up to a nearby pond to see myself in the reflection of the water.

What I saw was .......




My face! ...eww.

NAH! Im kidding, I'm sexy as hell!

It looked normal if not for 2 things. My silver eyes were now a dark purple, with only the edges of my iris still having a faint silver glow.

The purple part of my iris seemed to radiate pure darkness, while the silver was radiating light. Overall, it created a pretty mesmerizing effect.

I'm a little surprised my silver eyes didn't get swallowed by black magic completely tho.

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