Daisy Johnson: Shield

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You pace back and forth in your little apartment, turning back on yourself when you reach the wall of your living room. Daisy skips through the room and eyes you, confused.

"Hey, everything good?" She asks concerningly, stopping you in your tracks.

You flick your head up and notice her standing before you, Her fluffy auburn hair sitting prettily on her shoulders. Her deep eyes gazing into yours. She smiles kindly at you.

"Oh- Hey, sorry. Got a lot on my mind." You state, wrapping your hand around hers and shaking it slightly.

"This isn't about the opportunity Coulson offered you, is it?" She asks, tilting her head a touch.

"Look, I- I don't think I can do it Dais. It's a big thing being the director of shield. I don't think I am ready for that let alone equipped enough." You mutter breathlessly, noticing your chest rapidly rising and falling.

She strokes her palm on the back of your hand lovingly, reassuring you that everything is okay.

"You can't walk away from this y/n. Being the director of shield holds great power, and with great power comes... a ton of weird crap that you are so definetly prepared to deal with!" She excitedly says, her cheeks blushing a rosy colour.

You smile awkwardly at her.

"And hey, you got me the Inhuman Quake on your side. Whatever comes your way can deal with me first!" She states.

"Dais, you do make me smile but, seriously I don't think I am the right one cut out for this role." You say, shuffling your feet.

She eyes you carefully, opening her mouth to speak but hesitating.

"Hey, take it slow, it's okay. Coulson understands the struggle but with him being the literal face of shield, and embodiment of shield, he knows the chaos that occurs. He knows you are the best out of the team who can handle the chaos without going crazy. He believes in you- We all believe in you y/n. I believe in you."  She says, smiling proudly as she speaks. She loves her speeches does Daisy.

"Agent Johnson, you sure you don't want to be director?" You mutter cheerily, wiping a stray tear from your eye.

"I have enough on my plate being an Inhuman." She states, clutching tightly onto your hand.

"Thanks Dais." You say.

She smiles, as a lock of her hair flutters infront of her eyes which you carefully slip behind her ear. Immediately her lips lock with yours. Her smooth lips caressing yours, her hands strolling around your waist. Holding you close. Her breath becomes warm and heavy. Her head tilting softly to the side, as you kiss her passionately and lovingly.

You unfortanetly pull away, as she groans and tries to pull you back in, you giggle. She huffs, her hands staying around your waist. Her face mere centimetres from your face, you feel the flow of her breath on your skin.

"You know, going through space, time and weird rock portals with someone really makes you appreciate said person even more." You state, stroking her rosy cheeks. As she rests her head in your palm.

"Risking your life countless times for people helps too." She says, smiling.

"You know I have to admit Dais, you are much tougher than I originally give you credit for." You mutter, shying away from her as she launches backwards. Her face an expression of shock.

She hesitates, her cheeks flushing red. Clearly shocked with the statement you just made.

"Well being in S.H.I.E.L.D will do that to you y/n, I have been brainwashed, tortured, been to the future and the past and much more. I'm a tough gal." She cheekily retorts.

"You are much more than a tough gal, huh Quake?" You giggle, she sighs pulling your body closer to hers.

"I prefer the Destoryer of Worlds makes me sound like a total badass, don't you agree?" She says.

You nod.

You place a gentle kiss on her forehead as she rests her head, your foreheads meet. You gaze into her eyes and smile. You haven't felt this happy in a long time, it's nice to have this sort of pleasure for once. Not having to give it up every second to save one of the crew. Not having to seperate constantly like Fitzsimmons, goddamn will they ever have a happily ever after. I guess thats what the future holds. For now, you enjoy this moment of peace and quiet with Daisy as you know it won't last long.


I hope you enjoyed, this is an agents of shield part! Let me know who else you want to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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