My past

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Mackenzie POV (age of six)

I walked down my hall when I heard mommy and daddy in the living room fighting. "Why can't we send her off already!?! She doesn't belong here!!" I heard daddy yell at mommy.

"Because she's our daughter Kyle!!! She needs us!" Mommy fought back.

"She's not mine and you know it!!!!" Daddy yelled and I closed my eyes. I kept listening to the conversation with tears in my small eyes and I finally decided to step and do something.

"STOP!!!! Please!!! I don't wanna see you guys fight anymore" I pleaded with tears in my eyes.

"You scram! You have nothing to do with this!!!! In fact go away! Your just a mistake your mother made" daddy said and my heart broke into pieces.

"W-what?" I mumbled mommy looked horrified but she didn't say anything. I looked at both of them and soon the vegan fighting again. I went into the kitchen and I pulled out a knife from the drawers and I walked back out with it. I dropped my dollies on the floor and I went and I jumped on daddy's back and I dug the knife into deep into his skull. He screamed bloody murder and I watched him get quieter.

"Bye daddy and bye mommy" I said as I pulled the knife out of daddy's head and I threw it into mommy's neck. She screamed and cried until soon the house was quiet.

I pulled out pins that mommy used to use for making dresses and I pushed a ton into both of their chest making a heart shape on both of them.

"You guys hear that? It's.... Quiet" I said as I ran and picked up my dollies again with my small bloody hands.

"You guys are my new best friends" I said and my dollies smiled and nodded. (A/N both dolls are in ze media)

"Okay Mac" one of them said and I smiled and I walked out of my front door and away from my house.

Since then I found my sword and I found out that my dolls talked and were magically cursed and they were suppose to help me when I needed it. They were my last and only family.

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