Hi daddy

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(Mackenzie's dad is in the picture above... and yes I do know that this is Aya's dad in the game Mad Father. I would like to thank this idea to Markiplier)

Jessie's POV
After the portal closed we were left in a black and white place. "Where are we?" Mack asked and I saw Jake pick her up and place her on his shoulders.

"I've gotta keep a close eye on you. Believe me, it's hard to get lost here" he grunted and she giggled.

"Okay" she said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck. We walked around the familiar place until we ended up in front of a door. I could hear the sound of a chainsaw and screams from behind the door. Jake knocked on the door and all of the loud noise died down.

"Who is it?" A deep make voice asked.

"It's Jessie and Jake master" I called and I heard a soft hum. Soon the door opened to see a man wearing a lab coat that was covered in blood. He had his brown hair all over the place his glasses were falling off his nose and he had casual work clothing under his lab coat. There was a crazed look in the man's eyes and he smiled at us.

"Hello!! I haven't seen you all in a long time!" He exclaimed and we smiled softly. His eyes landed on Mack and they widened.

"What happened?" He asked totally serious now.

"It's almost time sir..." I mumbled and he smiled and nodded. He motioned us to walk in and we did. It looked like a completely normal living room. Not one drop of blood to be shown.

"Um... I don't know how this should go down. I mean I've been preparing for this day but I still don't know how to act.." he said as he looked at the ground. He looked back up at us and his eyes were fixed on Mack. Jake got the hint and he placed her on the ground. Mack stared at him and her eyes were full of tears. Blood red tears.

"Daddy?" She mumbled and he nodded. I could see her hands turn red as well and I knew what was going to happen next.

"How could you?!? Don't you know how much pain I felt when my fake dad did those things to me? Where were you when I needed you? Huh!?!" She yelled as she ran over to him and began to punch and kick him. He sighed not feeling anything when she kicked it punched. He picked her up and he hugged her. She struggled for a few minutes until she calmed down and began to cry onto his shoulder. Also adding more blood to his coat.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I just couldn't take care of you... I was still I my beginners stage and if I hurt you then, I don't know what I would have done with myself" He mumbled and she shook her head.

"Daddy I missed you" she cried and her hands slowly turned back to their natural color. We sighed and the master put her down. She stood next to her and he smiled.

"Okay well. Mack I'll show you your room. And you two don't have to stay that way. You both can go freshen up" He said and we nodded and walked out of the room leaving both of them alone.

Mackenzie's POV

I felt awkwardness floating in the air. I looked over at dad and he smiled. "Come on, I think you'll like your room" he said and I nodded as I followed him down a hall. As we walked I noticed how his lab coat was covered in blood.

"Um... dad?" I called and he turned to me.

"Yes Mack?" He answered with a smile.

"Why do you have so much fresh blood on your coat?" I asked and he froze. His smile disappeared and I wondered if I asked a bad question.

"Mack... How old are you?" He asked and I looked at him with a confused look.

"I'm seventeen but, what does that have to do with-" I started but he cut me off.

"Never mind I'll tell you later" he stated flatly and he continued walking. I looked at his back in confusion and until he soon stopped in front of a door that had a small blue star on it.

"This is it" he said and I opened the door and I gasped. I had a king sized bed, what looked to be a walking closet, a huge bathroom and large plasma tv. I jumped on the bed and began bouncing on it. I giggled and I jumped off and I hugged dad.

"Thank you!!!" I giggled and he chuckled deeply.

"Your welcome" he said and I smiled.

"I'll have a maid come and get you when dinner is ready. You can get ready for it in the meantime" he instructed and I nodded.

"Alright" I said and he nodded and walked out while closing the door behind him. Okay maybe this event won't be so bad for now.

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