Our past

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Laughing Jack's POV

I stared at Mack's lifeless body and I turned to see Hoodie's hand shaking as he held a gun in it. A long yet creepy maniac like laugh rose up my throat and I looked and them and back at the child's body. "Ooh, I think you should run guys... run far and fast" I said and I growled and watched as they turned around to run away. I jumped at Hoddie ready to kill. He screamed when my claws made contact with his chest. I soon heard static but I ignored it cause I was to focused on trying to kill the proxy in front of me. I soon felt a tentacle pick me up and I was soon face to face with Slenderman.

"What's the meaning of all of this?!?" He yelled and I looked at Hoddie in anger.

"Hoddie shot Mackenzie and now I'm gonna kill him" I stated as I struggled out of Slender's grip. Hoddie took a few steps back and he hid behind Masky.

"Laughing Jack stop it this instant!! You cannot murder my proxies" Slender lectured and I sighed. He put me down and I walked over to Mack's pale and lifeless body. The two twin dolls were still staring at the body with sadness.

"C-can't you b-bring her b-back?" Jessie asked as she turned to face Slender with black tears falling out of her button eyes.

"I can try" he said and one of his tentacles picked up the limp body and he teleported away. Hoddie was still hiding behind Masky who was also shivering and I death glares them both and I walked my way back to the mansion with the dolls not to far behind.

"Jack... it's nice to see you again" Jake said and he patted my shoulder. I relaxed a bit and I smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to see you guys too. I guess you two won't change after all" I said and Jessie looked up at me.

"What's that suppose to mean!?!" She asked sounding offended and I laughed. We walked into the mansion and we were soon greeted by Eyeless Jack and Sally.

"Hey... How was your-" he started but he noticed my expression and stopped short.

"I'll be in my room" I mumbled as I climbed the stairs and I walked into my room closing and locking the door at the same time.

"Oh Mack" I mumbled as I cove my face with my hands.

A little girl sat lonely in a forest crying into her small hands. She looks up and she gets an urge to walk so she start walking. Soon she walks into an abandoned amusement park she smiled and she ran into tents looking for all of the performers but she found none. Soon she heard a distinct sound and she walked over to the last tent. When she walked in she saw as a jack-in-the-box was winding itself up. She watched as it popped open but there was no clown. She looked at the box in confusion and she soon turned around to face a dark black and white clown. The clown smiled and he looked at the little girl. "Would you like some candy?" He asked and she nodded her small head. The clown smiled and he pulled out colorful candies out of his pocket and gave them to the small child. She smiled and unwrapped one. The clown looked at her with such pity when he noticed scars and marks all over the young infant's body so he stopped her hand before the girl put the candy in her mouth.

"You know what?... I'll give you something better" he said and he made her drop all of the poisoning candies and they both walked out of the tent together.

"What's your name mister?" The girl asked the clown.

"Jack. I'm Laughing Jack but call me LJ. What about you little missy what's your name?" He asked as he booped her nose softly with one of his black and white claws making her giggle.

"I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Mack" she said and he chuckled.

"Okay Mack" he said and she smiled. Laughing Jack got the fair up and running for that one child and they ate candy,popcorn pie and more (A/N: all not poisioned). Once night time fell she got up and she smiled at hugged the clown as he stood up.

"I love you Laughing Jack" she giggled and the clown smiled as he petted her hair and he hugged her back slightly. Laughing Jack let go of the child and he gave her a Jack in the box that he had hidden behind his back.

"Wind it up and I'll come when you need me" he said and she smiled and hugged him again.

"Bye, bye Jack!!!" She said with a smile and he smiled and nodded as she ran away clutching the box in her small hands closer to herself.

~End of Flashback~

That was the day I had met Mack. She is still that one thing I look forward in life. After I had left because of my insanity going out of control I couldn't see her anymore. And now that's she's back I'm at the brink of losing her. I'm begging to who ever can help to please help Mack. Please don't give up.

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