Another problem

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Unknown person POV's

I had just finished off a family and I was jumping on rooftops to my next victim's house. I looked down at the streets and I watched a familiar child run down the street in a rush. Aw, Mackenzie. She was in for a surprise tonight.


I was walking down the dark streets of this town and I was chewing a few candies. I was whistling my own little tune when I heard a soft pair if footsteps. I turned around to see nothing but darkness. I turned around again and I began to walk again. Soon I felt something fall on my back pushing weight on me. I quickly pulled the person off my back and I tell them by it's throat. I noticed who it was and I quickly let go. I watched as Mackenzie fell to the floor and her head was down "Mack I'm so sorry... I didn't see you and-" I started to apologize and she chuckled. her head snapped up and her eyes were red.

"You better run clown... don't let mommy catch you" she giggled and I chuckled as I ran off. Believe it or not this was actually fun yet very terrifying. I ran and I hid inside an empty house. I hid in a closet and I chuckled as I tried to catch my breath.

"Come one Jack.... I just wanted to play" she giggled as I heard her footsteps on the wooden house floors. I held my breath as she pass my hiding place. Soon I thought it was too quiet so I turned on the lights in the closet. I turned to my right to see a tower of towels. Then to my left and I see Mack cover in blood from head to toe and she was smiling with a blood filled mouth. I screamed and I fell backwards out of the closet. I was lying on the ground as she giggled. She climbed onto my chest and smiled.

"Got you" she giggled as she kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up so I knew I was probably blushing. I shouldn't be blushing but she made me for some reason. I was just lucky that it was dark and she couldn't it see anything.

"Come on... I need my daily blood drink. Or whatever you wanna call it" she said as she got off of me and she begun to walk towards an open window. I scrambled as I ran up to catch up to her and I jumped out of the window after her. I ran down the street following her. I watched as she turned to a corner and I stopped to catch my breath. I chuckled and soon that turned into a laugh. I stopped and kept panting as I kept trying to breathing slower. I soon heard a familiar scream. And I didn't care that I was out of breath cause I took off into a run. I turn into the same corner she had turned to. Underneath the alleyway light I could see clearly that one of Zalgo's creepypastas was here. The Rake. He was holding Mack above the floor and he was using his long claws to cut up her skin as she screamed in pain.

"Let her go!!!" I yelled as I tackled him. Me and him fought for dominance until I was the one on top. I punched him over and over and he laughed.

"Come one LJ, why can't you share your new toy with me?" He asked I used my own claws to give him three deep gashes on his body. He screeched in pain and I panted.

"Don't you dare touch or speak of her like that ever again... understand Rake?" I threatened and he turned into his human form.

"I'll catch up with her later and you won't be able to stop me then LJ just you wait" he chuckled as he disappeared. I walked over to Mack and I watched as she had two gashes on each cheek and four deep ones on her chest and stomach. I picked her up carefully and I turned into my own human self just so I would hurt her with my claws.

"Don't worry Mack I'll take you to the mansion and Smiley will fix you up real good okay?" I asked her and she had a small smile on her pale face.

"T-thanks L-LJ" she stuttered/whispered. I watched as her eyes closed and soon I begun running. I have to save her... That's all that matters to me.

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