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Chapter 1056 The Root
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

“Such powerful energy, what is that? It seems to be coming for me?” Gorutan was shocked.

This silver meteor clearly did not come with friendly intentions.

Gorutan’s expression changed slightly. He did not want to allow this strange object to get close to him. While dealing with the Mechanic Emperor’s mechanical army, he was able to send a dark brown Shockwave Blast toward the silver meteor.

However, this silver meteor dodged the shockwave easily using its speed advantage like a race car with a professional driver.

Seeing that ranged attacks did nothing to this silver meteor and that it was still locked onto him, Gorutan suddenly released energy around him, blowing the Apostle Weapons around him away. He then compressed his Pugilist flames to increase his strength and charged toward that silver meteor.

Two meteors with different colors got closer at an extremely high speed, colliding.

In that instant, the radars on all the Beast Ancestor’s spaceships reacted to it, showing that the energy impact had exceeded the peak!

At the location where these two clashed, a blinding light appeared like a flickering sun.

The thick, dark-brown Pugilist flames suddenly exploded like a rock that was shattered by a hammer.

Gorutan’s body then flew out, spinning like a gyroscope. The blood he spat out was evaporated by the energy aftershock created from the clash.

The moment of the clash, Gorutan’s mind seemed to have stopped working for an instant. All he could feel was a blinding light, and when he regained focus, he realized that his body was being pushed out uncontrollably.

Ever since he became a peak Beyond Grade A, he had rarely come across anything that he could not stop. However, the terrifying kinetic in this silver meteor made him feel as if he was an ordinary man trying to stop a train.

Pugilists were used to enduring direct hits, but the power of this clash still exceeded Gorutan’s expectations. He could feel every nerve in his body trembling and sending the signal of pain to his brain. He was appalled.

Such terrifying strength!

“Who is this guy‽”

Gorutan had no idea. After flying quite far, he finally stabilized himself and quickly checked his condition. He realized that this clash had dealt him some damage, which made him very serious and cautious.

As he looked over and finally saw the appearance of the silver meteor after it stopped, his expression changed drastically.

“Black Star‽”

After ramming Gorutan away, Han Xiao had stepped on the breaks and told Silver Shadow to open the car windows to show his handsome face. He was coldly looking at Gorutan’s astounded expression.

“We meet again, Beast Ancestor.”

“How can you be here? Aren’t you in Black Star Palace?”

All kinds of possibilities flashed through Gorutan’s mind. Could it be that something happened to the mission targeting Hila?

Seeing Han Xiao’s strange silver shell, Gorutan was filled with questions. The progress of the matter seemed to have deviated from his expectations. He was dying to know what had actually happened.

What’s Sorokin doing? Why has he still not notified me of what happened?

“I know what you’ve done,” Han Xiao said slowly. “Hila is safe now, and your plan has failed. Stop fantasizing about it.”

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