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Chapter 1199 Secret News (2)
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

Eradicate this world!

Han Xiao and Kasuyi glanced at each other, seeing the surprise reflected. With just a few of us, to go against a behemoth like the Celestial Star Alliance…

With such few side dishes, you intend to drink the whole night?

Han Xiao secretly swore, but since there seemed to be a lot of hidden secrets within, he patiently said, “You mentioned that this was the only way we can leave. Please talk in detail.”

“I know you think that this mission is impossible, but in fact, this is not as difficult as you think… However, it is not simple either,” the mysterious man rasped. “I believe that when you entered this secondary dimension, you should have been very shocked. You never thought that a space similar to the universe existed here, with an extremely powerful civilization.”

“That’s right.” Han Xiao nodded.

“Hehe, it’s not just you, but every outsider also reacted in the same manner.” The mysterious man slowly spoke. “I understand your troubles, but your worries are superfluous. All that you have been… the Celestial Star Alliance, the tens of thousands of Saint class experts, including me, are all long-dead phantoms. Our world… has long been annihilated!”

Han Xiao was taken aback and asked doubtfully, “What exactly happened?”

“The current world you see here is based on a mutated time-space cycle Information Form,” the mysterious man blandly replied. “You should have discovered some information regarding the World Reset program on the internet. This plan was not just a simple insurance but also a special scheme used by the Celestial Star Alliance to escape the end of the universe. But the plan failed. Due to some abnormal changes that happened within the Information Form, our timeline was intercepted, forming a closed cycle of spacetime, which is this world I live in. It will constantly end at a fixed point in time and be reborn at a fixed point in time. I’m the only anomaly that retains my memory within this cycle.” “… Thus, if we wish to leave, we must break the so-called closed spacetime loop?”

Han Xiao’s brows were knitted tightly together.

Just based on the theory of the Spacetime Splicing Technology, this sort of scenario was possible, but the rhetoric behind it made it hard to believe.

The mysterious man glanced at their expressions, letting out a laugh before he spoke.

“Hehe, don’t look at me like that. I’m not a liar. I know that your hearts must be full of suspicions. That’s perfectly normal. Since I’ve invited you here, I intend to explain everything from the beginning…”

“It’s alright. We have time.” Han Xiao crossed his arms.

“Then prepare yourselves. No matter how shocked you are later, don’t interrupt my narration. What you’ll hear next will be the secrets and truths involving the entire universe…”

The mysterious man’s tone turned somber.

“Please speak.” Han Xiao straightened his expression, making a ‘please’ gesture.

After taking a deep breath, the mysterious man began. “Everything has a definite life span, and the universe is no different. According to normal development, the universe will ultimately usher in its final destiny over time. It might be through overheating, a gravitational collapse, or a space rip. When time reaches a certain point, everything is bound to end.

“However, in that initial time and space, there existed a civilization that had developed to the extreme, far stronger than any of ours could ever be. In order to escape their fate, they chose to give a new life to the universe as a method to continue their existence… While they did not succeed in the end, it was not a complete failure. Under the construction, they had altered the basic rules of the universe. When the universe expands to a certain level, reaching the bifurcation of its ultimate destiny, it will actively collapse upon itself, swallowing everything and becoming a singularity point. The big bang will then occur and retransform into a new universe that will be empty but full of life… We call this ‘The Great Reboot’.

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