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Chapter 1191 Skyrocketing Attributes
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

“Warning! Warning! The fourth sector is showing a high-energy response! The specific coordinates…”

An alarm sounded in the C0075D space monitoring system within the Fenrir Star System, and the staff hurried over to the radar screens. All of their uniforms carried the emblem of the Black Star Army.

The army had built a large number of space stations in the territory under their jurisdiction, which would monitor the situation within. They were mostly handled by artificial intelligence and supplemented by a small number of staff as insurance.

At this moment, a dazzling spot of light suddenly lit up on the real-time monitoring star map. The staff hurriedly operated the ultra-long-distance astronomical observation device, enlarging the field of view for the location of the energy burst.

The barren planet originally in this position had vanished, replaced by a cloud of golden energy that was constantly expanding, as though a dying fixed star was turning into a Red Giant. Brilliant arcs of lightning surged around it constantly.

Seeing this, the staff in the room all displayed confused expressions. “What sort of phenomenon is this?”

“Looks like stellar delay… but there’s only one barren planet here. Where did the Fixed Star come from?”

“Energy fluctuations are high. It feels more like that of a Beyond Grade A energy rank. It couldn’t be a Beyond Grade A that sneaked in, right?”

Everyone spoke before unanimously deciding to conduct a field survey in accordance with the provisions of the operation manual.

An unmanned spaceship flew out of the space station, soon arriving at the planet’s location. They saw that the golden energy was still expanding, its volume overwhelming at this point. The unmanned spaceship could not approach but only cruise around to collect data.

This continued for a period of time before the golden energy stopped expanding, shrinking hundreds to thousands of times smaller before suddenly exploding out in a shock wave. The observation screen turned blank from the shock wave.

The shield of the unmanned spaceship flickered, and the durability plummeted. Fortunately, it was far enough that even though it was damaged, it was not destroyed. When the spaceship finally stabilized, the staff far away in the space station hurriedly looked at the location of the explosion. The area was completely empty, with all matter of the barren planet annihilated.

Even after surveying for one round, they could not find the shadow of a person.

“Observation complete, source of outbreak not found. Requesting to return.”

Hearing the emotionless reply from the artificial intelligence, everyone present shared a glance.

“This matter is too strange. It’s not at our level. Report to our superiors.”

At the same time, Han Xiao, who had swapped into another King mechanical suit, was now situated on another barren planet.

“Hu, I almost got caught.”

Taking off his mechanical suit and collecting the Throne he had placed here, he let out a breath filled with gold lightning.

This time, his promotion had brought about a huge improvement. The energy in his body was nigh uncontrollable, his cells constantly producing energy that had blown up the planet when released. In order to not be seen, the moment he completed his promotion, he put on the spare King suit and teleported away.

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