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Chapter 1139 Compliments from the Big Boss
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

As the closing ceremony ended, spaceships took off one after another, sending the audience away.

Han Xiao told Sylvia to take care of the guests who had come to show their support in his place, while he led the various officers and Black Star Guards to the main ship in orbit. All the players who had caused trouble were temporarily locked up there, waiting to be dealt with.


The cabin opened. Han Xiao and the officers swarmed in and immediately saw the intense situation inside. The players locked there were separated clearly into two groups—the majority of the players led by Fly Free surrounded the spies led by Winter Wolf.

Herlous stepped forward and demanded, “What’s going on?”

The guard quickly approached and replied, “Your Excellency, they have been arguing for a while now. It seems like they’re having an internal conflict.”

“An internal conflict between a group of rebels?” A Black Star Guards snickered.

Although Fly Free gave a great speech during the ceremony and expressed that they did what they did for the sake of the army, most of the army officers did not buy it at all. They felt that this was just an excuse for their mutiny. Attacking the army commander in public and attempting to disrupt the ceremony did not look like things someone would do for the sake of the army at all. The army officers did not know the details like Han Xiao, so they would not be easily convinced.

Han Xiao knew what was going on, but he did not explain it. He walked to the players, did not speak, and just looked at them with an expressionless face.

Seeing that Han Xiao had arrived, the two groups stopped arguing and looked at him.

After seeing Han Xiao’s reaction and listening to the Beyond Grade As’ explanation, the ‘loyal’ players led by Fly Free were starting to feel shaken, doubting their speculation, but they had yet to fully change their minds. They still felt that this might be a show the ‘army commander’ had put on to prove his fake identity was real.

Therefore, many people quietly started video recording at this moment, capturing his expressions and actions while they were in private. If he acted completely different from before, something was definitely wrong, and they would upload the video to the forums to once again warn the other army players. They had yet to give up exposing the ‘Mechanic Emperor’.

Fly Free stepped up and said with a fearless tone, “What do you plan to do with us?”

“No hurry, I want to hear your explanations again,” Han Xiao said casually with a normal tone.

“What else is there to say? We’ve already expressed our intentions very clearly,” Fly Free yelled.

Without any changes in his expression, Han Xiao calmly said, “Even if this was a misunderstanding, your actions will still be punished. Have you thought of the consequences of all this?” “Of course.”

“Even so, you still decided to take the risk for


“It’s for Black Star. As for whether you’re really him, we still don’t know yet.” Fly Free crossed his arms.

“Then how do you explain attacking the audience? Was that for the army commander too?” Hadavy said coldly.

Fly Free’s expression turned stiff and then to rage. He turned and stared at Winter Wolf and the others angrily. “Our plan was only to expose the imposter. We’re not the ones who attacked the audience. These people are not with us!”

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