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Chapter 1084 Association“s Impact and Holy Light Host
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

“Have you heard? Close to a hundred Beyond Grade As have formed a new organization in the Flickering World…”In a military bar inside one of the dynasty’s closed bases, the usual boisterous atmosphere was nowhere to be found. Some held their glass up but forgot about drinking it, some caressed their glasses subconsciously, and some were smoking cigars but hardly breathed.

The only common thing they shared was that all of their eyes were on the virtual screen on the bar’s wall, which was now playing a political discussion show.

The show was hosted in a studio, where one host was leading the conversation with a few guests. The matter they were discussing was related to the recent big news.

Inside the quiet bar, the only sounds were the voices of the host and the guests.

“I know, the Flickering World Beyond Grade A Development Union, right? It was formed not too long ago. They invited tons of galactic media groups and made the announcement. Now it’s spread across the entire universe.”

“Almost all the Beyond Grade As in the universe have joined. Tsk tsk, these guys really can’t seem to be out of the spotlight.”

“According to the information we have,” the host said, “the purpose of this organization is to mediate the ever more frequent conflicts between Beyond Grade As. On the day of its establishment, they hosted a meeting where all the members attended. With the galactic media groups as their audience, they publicly mediated more than a dozen conflicts using peaceful negotiations, successfully solving the disputes between tens of Beyond Grade As. As it seems, this method is very effective. Those people all stopped fighting with each other. The frequent Beyond Grade As conflicts lately have been effectively reduced, and no one was unluckily impacted by those conflicts.”

“It seems that this organization is really quite useful.” A guest who held a high management position in a financial group complained. “The destruction Beyond Grade As can bring is too huge. Conflicts between them have always caused a humongous amount of damage to the public. Either planets were destroyed, or onlookers were accidentally killed. Now that this organization has been formed, these things can be avoided.”

“Exactly. I had a friend living in the Shattered Star Ring. He went to watch the battle between Black Star and the Tyrant some decades ago, and because he got too close, he, unfortunately, got killed. There was no compensation or whatsoever after that at all”

Someone said, “I have no idea what those onlookers are thinking. Do they think it’s a concert or something?”

“Have the Supers accidentally killed not enough ordinary people? This problem has existed in society for as long as Supers have. According to research, the number of ordinary people directly or indirectly killed by Supers in the entire universe every day is as high as around ten billion. Just let this horrifying number sink in. This is a huge problem that has everything to do with our daily lives.”

A guest complained angrily. He was the representative of an organization that supported equal rights between ordinary people and Supers.

“Therefore, I think that the purpose of this organization is much more important than it seems on the surface. Living up to their positions at the top of the Super Grades, the Beyond Grade As have made an amazing stand and set an example for all the Supers in the universe. It’s a very responsible act.” The host avoided this sensitive topic with a smile. He displayed Manison and Han Xiao’s virtual portraits on the screen behind and said, “The two main founders are Manison and Black Star, who have taken the position of president and vice president.”

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