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Wandering around the village, you held up your camera to take images. This place was nothing like the things you've seen back home. No, home was cramped with neatly stacked buildings and towering skyscrapers that reached for the heavens. This village felt scattered and vaguely safe. You heard the warnings the people gave. "You must leave! Evil lies ahead!" They whispered, their hands not pulling you, but pushing you. Pushing you to leave, but you wanted to stay. What could possibly go wrong?

That was what you thought, at least. Lycans, ghouls, deformed birds, and a whole slew of other things, only to find yourself locked into a house with a woman trying to tend to your wounds. Of course, these creatures would be taken care of as you've brought anti-parasitic and anti-fungal medication for yourself and just enough extra for the village folk. It was recommended by a man you once considered your friend, Chris, to take some medications when traveling. You offered some to the woman, showing her how to take the medication. When the rampage slowly ended, you came out and helped look for survivors. This time there were little to no casualties. It was merely a stampede of sorts. It was like this for the three months you stayed.

You looked up, seeing the form of a castle for the first time. It felt as though it was staring at you, like a coyote stalking a little mouse. You said farewell to the village, wandering the woods and coming across a manor with dolls littered around. You turned around, your gut telling you that perhaps the person on this property would much prefer their privacy and to not be bothered. Apologizing to the dolls around you, the woods became your friend again.

The crackles of snapping twigs and leaves under you, the soft call of crows, deer quietly looking for shrubbery to nibble at. You found yourself at the castle, seeing a flash of two gold orbs in a window in one of the above floors. Someone lived here and perhaps they didn't appreciate trespassers, whether it be curious teens or the myths the village folk told you, it was best to stay away. At least, you tried to stay away until someone came to the window, smacking the glass and screaming. They looked worried, pointing to the woods and mouthing something. Donna... You tilted your head. Donna?

You turned to look back at the woods, but when you looked back, the gold orbs were there again, a black mass being the holder of such eyes. A hand covered the person's shoulder, shoving them aside. You shuddered, walking back to the village. The eyes continued to watch you, burned into you when you came to the house that was offered to you for the night.

When morning rolled around, you helped at the bar for Saturday. Each day, you brought people to the village through the many different alcohol imports and marketing the village as a getaway if they helped hunt down lycans. Safe to say, it worked well. You made mixed drinks and spoke to a young woman with an undercut who always sat at the bar. "What's your name?" She asked. You looked over, opening a beer and handing it to someone. "(Y/N). Yours?" You handed her a martini, getting started on making more drinks. "Daniela. Lady Daniela." Every Saturday for the next few months, you spoke to Daniela. When you finished your shift and took your tips, you wandered around the village with her and answering each other's questions.

One Saturday night, Daniela never came to the bar to chat. When your shift ended and you took your tips, you went out the back door, finding Daniela and friends. "So, you're the one mother is so infatuated with." The sister with black hair questioned. You tilted your head, confused. "I'm sorry? Daniela, can you tell me who these two are? Not to be rude." You spoke softly. "These are my sisters Bela and Cassandra. They wanted to know if you wanted to... Spend the night at our place." Daniela looked as though she was pondering on what to add. You gave a soft nod, wanting to spend more time with your friend. Daniela handed you a bottle filled with a blue liquid. Gatorade.

When you came to the castle, you could feel the stare again. "Mother has heard so much about you. When she first saw you, she wanted me to get to know you, if you're okay with that." Daniela explained, unlocking the door. "I don't mind. I got a friend in the process." You reasoned. You felt slightly woozy, your head foggy.

When the door opened, you felt uneasy. "Good. Mother, say hello to (Y/N)." You looked up, seeing the tall figure and the gold orbs for eyes. You stood still, eyes wide and feeling your heart race. You can't run, your legs buckled under you. You looked at Daniela, eyes wide. "It had to be like that, sorry. I couldn't have you running off when you met my mother." Daniela shrugged as you fell down, realizing that she had done something to your drink. I trusted you. You slowly closed your eyes, going out cold.

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