Chapter 4

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You tried to scramble away from gnashing jaws, hearing a deep growl in the vârcolac's throat. You let out another scream as it's teeth just barely snagged your skin. It's rancid breath huffed against your face as it dug around the rocks you managed to wedge yourself into. This is it, I never knew death would be so near.

You tried to get deeper into the rocks, but you had nowhere else to turn to. It's large claws reached into the cracks, just missing you by a hair. You let out another scream, sobbing in fear. "Help!" You called out. I should've stayed at the castle.

You stared into it's hungry eyes and foul teeth, covering your face as it got close, then it let out a loud whimper. "Get away from my prey!" Looking over, a pair of clawed hands forced itself into it's mouth.

The creature let out a loud cry, then Alcina's voice. Her muscles flexed under her skin easily in the dappled moonlight as she had a grip of it's skull and jaw. Then, she pulled. The vârcolac let out a shriek of pain as Alcina separated it's skull and spine from the rest of it's body. Blood showered the ground and Alcina's face, the limbs of the creature twitching as it soon ceased to exist. You looked up at Alcina as she dropped the crumbling bits of fur, rock, and crystal. "This is why you never leave the castle." She hissed, reaching into the rocks and grabbing you by your shoulder. Her grip was strong, but not painful.

Alcina pulled you into a hug, blood smearing onto your face. Your heart was still racing and your legs wanted you to run, adrenaline still pumping into your system. Instead, you clung tighter to Alcina, beginning to sob as you realized you were just millimeters away from death. You balled your fists into Alcina's bloodied nightgown, feeling her pick you up and begin the trek back to the castle. You saved me. She saved you even though you initially slipped from her greedy hands, and yet you found yourself feeling safe in hands that could easily rip you into pieces effortlessly if she so chose to.

The adrenaline in your system soon wore off, leaving you to fall asleep in her hands with your head rested on her shoulder. When you woke up, you were in her sleeping chambers tightly wrapped in a blanket. Lifting your head, you looked over and saw Alcina's arm draped over you, her hand open with her claws just barely poking out. You laid your head back down, closing your eyes as you fell back to sleep.

You ran through the woods, hearing the ghastly snarl of the vârcolac behind you. Twigs and branches whipped you in your face and body, thorns grasping and cutting your skin. It was right on your heels, you could feel it's hot foul breath on your skin. Tripping on an exposed root, you expected to hit hard cold ground, but you found yourself in the warm protective embrace of Alcina. The vârcolac was gone, it was only her. Only Alcina. Her arms were warm and strong, holding you close while also not squishing you. You felt yourself drawn closer to her lips. Her soft, red, kissable lips.

Then, you woke up to the sound of doors opening. You were still wrapped up like a burrito, knowing this was Alcina's work. You saw a large dark figure in the doorway, making your heart thud as it's gold eyes lingered on you. It stepped into the light, exposing itself as Alcina. You still felt that deep seeded disgust of her method of initially bringing you here, but you owed her this time. She saved you from a gruesome and violent death. Unwrapping you, she placed the tray of food at the vanity. "Go eat, I'll be right back. Do not leave this room." She ordered and left the room.

You ran towards the vanity, devouring your breakfast. Eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and jam. Did you make this? The eggs were just how you liked them, the hashbrowns perfectly crisp, and your favorite jam on the toast. You didn't leave a speck of food left on your plate, practically licking it clean. No crumbs were left behind, not even a smear of jam. When Alcina came back, she had an outfit prepared for you draped over her arm.

"Get cleaned up. We're going to have visitors."

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