The evil road

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Sorry I haven't posted for while hope you enjoy 😁😄

When my son was in seventh grade back in 1993 he had wrestling practice after school during the Fall and Winter months. I would go and pick him up around 5:30 pm then we would go home. At the time we were living in rural IL just South of Chicago. On the way to pick him up and bring him home was a section of a road that did not feel right. Not all of the roads on the way, just this one road. We had to drive about 3 miles on this road and it always felt creepy.

My son was the one who called it the "evil road". It always felt as if something was lurking, watching just out of sight. We never saw anything but that feeling was always there. This feeling was especially strong at this one spot in the road. Now, this road was farmland all around with homes acres away from the road itself. At this spot along the side of the road was a deep culvert overhung with trees, vines, and weeds. It just had a "something is off" look to it.

One evening as we passed by that spot in the road we heard tinny music coming from nowhere that we could see. It was a cloudy cold Winter night in the Midwest. The only lights we could see, besides those of our car, were lights from the farms in the distance. Since it was cold, dark and sleeting, I doubt that anyone was out playing music.

The music was so odd, almost as if a windup old time music player or small calliope was making the music. The style of the music was almost like what I would call Romany, or mountain music from years ago.

The strangest part is we could hear it with the windows closed. I wanted to stop but my son was afraid. So we drove on hearing the music for a short time before it faded in the distance.

My son dropped out of sports right after that. We never drove on that road again. We moved shortly after that and I have not been back to that area since 1994. I still wonder about the road and the music

I tried to find out if anything had happened in the area, but never found anything that would explain the music. I like to think it is just a lingering impression from days long past. As for the bad feeling, maybe something sad happened at that feeling lingers as well.

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