Hand prints on my window

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Enjoy this is my first story plz vote xx
I drive a 2005 Honda Civic, and usually, it isn't very clean. I'm not only an artistic type, but I'm also always rushing from place to place, so in general my spaces are semi messy. So, when I had time on a lunch break to go wash my car, it was a big deal. That whole day I drove around enjoying my freshly cleaned car. There were no marks on it anywhere and it was just really nice to see clearly out of all of my windows. (I know, I know... I need to change my messy ways!)

Later that day, I went to a rehearsal for a musical I'm currently acting in. As I got out to go inside, I once again marvelled at my lovely clean car and went inside. When I came out 3 hours later, I opened my door, got in, put in my keys and looked forward to see 2 distinct hand prints on my windshield. The hands were slightly smaller than mine and on the INSIDE of the window. They were also angled very strangely, fingers pointed in and hands almost completely horizontal. I tried mimicking it with my own hands, and not only was the positioning of the hands uncomfortable, there would be no reason for someone to put their hands there. Plus, I had been the only one in my car the entire day and just before I had gone inside, the hand prints were definitely NOT there.

I started driving home, leaving the handprints there since I meant to take a photo once I got home. Now, my voice was clear, since I had just been singing for the past 3 hours there was obviously nothing wrong with my throat. But as soon as I started driving, the entire way home I could not stop coughing and choking. It felt as though something was being stuck down my throat and it was lodged right at the back although nothing was in my mouth at all, nor had I eaten anything in the past 5 hours. The sensation of pain brought tears to my eyes and at one point, I was gagging and choking so horribly I had to pull over and step out of the car for a moment.

Finally, I made it home. My friend was there waiting for me so we could go talk about our day at the pub. She got in my car, saw my tear stained face and immediately asked what was wrong. I pointed to my window. She said "Whoa, what are those handprints doing there!?" I told her about what had just happened. She took one look at the hand prints, and rubbed them away with a paper napkin because just looking at it made her uneasy.[so sorry, no pic guys]. She coudln't shake the feeling so badly that she insisted we go in her vehicle instead of mine.

So friends, my question is, can a spirit attach itself to a car? Or could it be that one followed me into the car? The rehearsal space we practice at is fairly old and run down, so I was thinking it could have come from the area, or maybe it is my car? I'm just really confused as to what happened to me that evening. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much for reading.

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