Dark figure from my child hood

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Hope you enjoy the ghost story 👻👻 xx ( sorry for not posting in a while am lazy )

For the past few years I've been getting faint scratch marks all over my body. This wouldn't be too frightening if I had pets or nails but I lack both of these things so it's a bit scary.

There are four ghosts in my house but only one of them has followed me for all of my life (my family moves around a lot because we're a military family). I first saw him when I was about 5.

I was sitting in front of a large open window in my house as my dad prepared me for school. My dad left for a moment and then the ghost appeared in the window. He had dark curly hair and brown eyes. He might have been Latino but I'm not entirely sure. He wore a black coat and looked extremely depressed/slightly curious. He looked relatively young; maybe 18 or so. He disappeared when my dad came back into the room but my dad believed me to some extent when I told him what happened.

Ever since then he's followed me every place I've moved to (even when I moved overseas to Germany) as a blurry shadow, always following me just out of reach. People thought I was just an imaginative kid but as I've gotten older people just think I'm flat out insane when I talk to people about it.

Over 11 years have gone by and his presence has begun to change from a shadow in the background to a blurry image of himself, staring at me from a distance. I wouldn't mind him so much if he was like every other ghost I've seen, quiet and inquisitive, but at night when I fully turn off the light (I'm deathly afraid of the dark so I only turn off the light when I need to and I always have my night light on) he lies in bed beside me and it scares me so much I have to cry out for one of my siblings to come and help me, but as soon as I cry for help his presence disappears. Recently I've gotten scratches on my lips (extremely thin and they heal fast, always on the small part between my upper lip and nose).

The other 3 spirits in my current house consist of an older man (an African-American gentleman in his late 40's. He looks to be from the early 1800s); a girl in her sleeping gown (long brown hair, always looks very hesitant and nervous. In her early 20's. Probably from mid 1800s); and finally the little boy (barely looks 12 and might be from the 1920's due to his clothes).

Whenever the man in the black coat comes into the room and another spirit is also in the room they all look at him like they're pleasantly surprised. When the little boy see's him he goes up to him and just stands next to him.

One time I came home from school to find them all in the main room looking at each other and then they turned to look at me. It shocked me so much to see them all in the same room at the same time that I ran outside and went to my neighborhood park because I had nowhere else to go.

I swang alone for a few minutes (in order to explain this and make sense I was sitting on the very last swing with four other swings next to me). I was all alone in the park staring at the small pond near the slides and when I turned to look to my left, I saw all the empty swings wrapped around the metal pipe that the swings hang from. There was no breeze to wrap the swings over the metal pipe and even if there was it wouldn't be strong enough to do that. There was absolutely no one else at the park and even if there was I would've heard and saw anyone.

More recently when I was putting my little sister to bed I heard a faint sobbing sound coming from the closet and I've seen odd soft white bursts of light in front of my house.

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