Playing with children

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Not sure if it's true but enjoy xx plz vote

Ever since I was a child I have been super sensitive to supernatural things. I try to keep my distance and I always have that feeling someone is there. I have only seen two ghosts clear enough to know who they were: my step brother I've never met and my step grandpa hovering over my baby sister when we were kids. They woke me up talking to her. After they had visited us is when it all really began. We had a small man who would walk to our brothers room and disappear, and children standing on a ladder outside the window peeking through curtains.

Now that I'm an adult my parents bought a new house, I figured well a new house a new start nothing can bother me here. I believe my little sister has a door that let\'s random ghosts come to her. But they do not bother her instead they trip our twin nephews and hide things from those close to my sister. We do sage cleansings but they only last so long.

My sister recently was in a horrible auto accident. The fire fighters arrived and deemed it fatal. As the fire fighter walked up to my sister he noticed she opened her eyes. She is truly a miracle. We still have the truck in the back yard, there was no where for her to be laying in the cab. No room at all. She has a lot of good strong people helping her on the other side. Although she is a paraplegic at least we get to enjoy her beautiful presence. I'm just not thrilled about the presences that follow her. They seem weak but feed off something and become strong enough to play with us.

Off to do another cleansing; they/she/he is locking her in her room.

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