who is jack?

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hey I hope you enjoy I am gonna upload regularly as its getting near Halloween xx

To start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits ect. I however have not received this "trait" but I am starting to assume my son is capable of seeing such... Things.

Now, I will just state that the following events are very full on, and that before this I did NOT believe in such capabilities of something that isn't human. That is why I was so hesitant at first.

Now, it was the middle of summer and we were just having a lazy day at home. We had the television on but pretty much on mute. Jayden (my son) was playing with some of his toys. When he started talking to someone. Saying things like 'C'mon Jack! You're the bad guy!" I just assumed that it was in association to the toys he was playing with. So I, like many others would, brushed it off.

Not a week later, I was just talking to Jayden about this dream he had the night before. It was him going away with a "friend". When I asked what the friend's name was he answered 'Jack'. But, being me I brushed it off as one of his toys. He kept mentioning this Jack person through the next few weeks, and after a while I just snapped and asked him who Jack was. He lifted his arm up and pointed behind me. He said something that made me jump; "Why don't you just ask him yourself?". This freaked me out, but I assumed it was just an imaginary friend.

The next day I had a friend over for lunch, and we were just talking when Jayden walked out. He was generally talking, or playing, but it was with "someone". My friend Tess asked him who he was talking to. He replied with "Jack". I was asking Tess if her daughter Alicia, who was now 14, ever had an imaginary friend and she told me she didn't but her sister's son had one that she thought was a spirit. From then on I was on the edge about this "Jack".

A week later Jayden was in his room yelling. So I ran upstairs, scared someone was in the house, with a knife in hand. When I got to Jayden's room there were blocks, toys, books and clothes everywhere. Jayden was in a horrible mood. I started asking him why he had messed his room up and he just sat there in silence. So I yelled "Clean it up. NOW!" and walked out. Jayden then yelled, "IT WAS JACK". I stormed right back into his room and screamed at him "It's wasn't Jack, because there is NO JACK."

Two days after the incident I walked upstairs to put Jayden's clothes in his drawers and found him standing on top of his cupboard. His cupboard is about a metre and a half high, so I was astounded he climbed up there. In a panic I yelled at him. "What are you doing? Get down!" He said to me, "Jack told me to jump. I have to be nice to Jack or he will hurt me."

It was that point that I realised maybe Jack wasn't so imaginary. I decided to put in a baby monitor, and if that failed I decided I'd put in a camera. I kept the monitor in the kitchen so I could hear it from a distance. I was at the dinner table when I heard the monitor start buzzing. Almost static, white noise. I could hear Jayden talk and then static would start, but every few seconds I could hear a voice. It was unclear and I couldn't understand what it was saying, but obviously Jayden could. I rushed upstairs and of course, he was playing with Jack. So I set up my camera and had the baby monitor running. I was going to find out what this was.

I was in the kitchen watching Jayden play, and saw blocks, toys and books all moving by themselves. I was frozen in fear, watching in panic. Jayden stood up and said "NO JACK. NO!". Jack must have been yelling because all of a sudden I heard a big booming voice over the monitor yell "I WILL HURT YOU."

Out of nowhere I heard a loud thud. This caused me to run. I sprinted up the stairs, yelling for my son. I found him crying on the floor of my bedroom, he was laying in pain in front of my cupboard. I comforted him and rushed to the car, I drove him down to the hospital where they found he had a broken rib and sprained wrist. After he had calmed down I asked him what happened.

He just told me, "Jack pushed me off of your cupboard."

That week I called the priest in to cleanse the house, and Jayden really seemed different, of course in a good way. He seemed to be very light in a way, and he also seemed not to be afraid of the house. 3 months later and he still hasn't mentioned Jack.


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