The whispering

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Enjoy sorry haven't posted in a while enjoy 😄😄

This happened Sunday night. There have been reports of break ins in our neighbourhood so I decided to sleep in our living room to make sure Dad is safe (his room is downstairs). I kept my papa spray within easy reach for extra protection in case someone did break into the house.

On Sunday afternoon my brother dropped by and stayed for the night. He volunteered to sleep in the living room. I couldn't be any happier, I could sleep in my room again after several nights of trying to get a decent sleep on the couch.

It didn't take long for me to doze off. Being a light sleeper that I am, I was awakened by whispering at the foot of my bed. I knew there was more than one "person" there and they seemed to be arguing. Sensing that they could be burglars, my combat experience kicked in. I jumped out of bed and pointed my pepa stay at the source of whispering only to find out that there was no one there... But the whispering continued on. As soon as I switched all the lights on, the whispering stopped. I searched the entire room but found no one. I went downstairs to check, again there was no one there, just my brother happily snoring on the couch.

I went back to bed and not long after I closed my eyes, the whispering resumed. They didn't seem to miss a beat, they were still arguing or so I guess. This time I tried to listen but I couldn't make out what the "conversation" was about. There was a lot of 'K' and 'Z' in whatever language they were using, it was totally foreign to me. Then the whispering stopped and just as quickly I heard foot falls on the hallway. What was odd though was that, although I could hear foot falls, there was no creaking of the floorboards. Our house is old (to our standards anyway) and any movement along the hallway, slight or otherwise, generates a "complaint" from the aging floorboards. I didn't bother to check what was outside, I knew exactly what I'd see - nothing.

The next day over breakfast, I told Dad, my brother and Tess, our house help about what I heard. This spooked Tess that she didn't dare go upstairs that day.

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