Man and the little girl

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I've lived in this house since I was 3 months old, I'm 19 now and really it's only been in the recent years, maybe since I was 14/15 I began having strange experiences that started in my house and now I find are starting to happen everywhere, for instance when I visited Auschwitz with my old school we entered the gas chambers and I couldn't breathe, it felt like someone was pressing on my throat and also throughout the whole day I could feel this presence on my shoulders getting heavier and heavier and by the end of the day I had a huge back ache and an extremely sore throat.

Now, back to my house, I think the first time I had a legitimate sighting was when was about 14, I came out of my room in the middle of the night to go to the loo and in the reflection of the window I saw a white figure run across my hallway, scared I retreated back into my bedroom. The next thing was New Years Eve a few years ago I was sleeping in my living room with two of my friends as my bed was occupied by my aunt and around 2/3am me and one my friend were still awake, I noticed something standing by the door. I couldn't see any details it was just a very tall all black figure stood there. I tried to ignore it but then my friend said she could see something by the door, scared I shined a light and there was nothing there. Once the light was off we could no longer see the figure, a few minutes later and we both noticed the same figure now on the ceiling as if hanging above us, watching us. I couldn't move a muscle until it went. I've seen this figure many, many times now but more than often it will just be stood in a room and I'll ignore it. However, there appears to be something else in my house, the white figure that ran across my landing turned out to be a little girl.

I've seen her once and it was in such detail, I was so shocked at seeing her I went to tell my parents there was a child in my house but when I turned back she was gone. I've had a sock thrown at me, things have moved places, I've heard the girl say "hello" and "help me" and I've heard the black figure growl once. I've felt parts of my bed go down in the middle of the night as if someone has sat down and I've felt very strong presences when they're around. The girl's is fine, I can tell when she's around but it does no harm, the black figure however feels extremely heavy, it scares me to death when I can feel him in the room with me and I can tell he scares the girl. Lately I haven't been getting to sleep until 4am because I can feel the presence stronger each night. Should I do a Ouija Board? No one I know is up for doing one with me though, should I try to contact them a different way?

Now things are starting to get worse, I can't sleep until around 5am through having that constant feeling of someone watching me. Just 5 minutes ago something shook my whole house, it literally felt and sounded like my house was picked up and dropped, it even freaked out my brother who doesn't believe in any of this stuff. There's nothing it could possibly have been; no objects have fallen or anything.

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