3 am demon visit

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This is a true ghost story sorry it isn't as spooky as usual but I like to make sure the stories are true so anyway hope you enjoy 😊😄😜👻 x

I did have a bad experience about 4 years ago. But I think that I might have brought something with me when I went to that country where they worship demons (praying and giving them offerings so that they don't get troubled by them). I went to visit ancient sites when they had a lot of those worshipping hotels. I was kind of curious and I approached a lot of those. At times, I felt my ears were like blocking, couldn't hear properly. Afterward, I became weird and had bad thoughts (very unusual coming from me...).

After I returned home, I felt weird. I was seeing shadows out of the corner of my eyes. I surprised myself talking to it many times. One night my daughter woke up around 1:00 AM, crying, just to tell me that she had a bad dream and that she saw me being sucked up by a black tornado. I was still on internet searching for ghost and spirit stuff. Then I went to sleep.

At exactly 3:00 am I woke up from a nightmare. My heart was pounding like it was going to burst out of my chest. I never ever felt my heart so loudly pounding of my whole life! Then, suddenly, the TV turned on by itself. I got freaked up and told my husband about it. We woke up and then we were in total disbelief! Having not found any explanation to this, we went back to sleep.

The following night, same scenario. Nightmare, woke up at exactly the same time 3:00 AM heart pounding, TV turns on on its own, showing some worshipping temples. The same kind I saw in the country I visited (I prefer not to mention what country and what religion were the temples out of respect). The day before I had tuned the TV on that channel that has shows on spirituality. This time my husband prayed in front of the TV and then went back to bed.

On the 3rd night, I went through the whole thing again. Nightmare, opened my eyes looked at the clock's red numbers... 3:00 am. I really got pissed. I called my husband up and I said "That's enough!". I wasn't afraid anymore. I was totally pissed off! I told my husband "I brought it here, I'm the one who has to kick it out!". A sudden strength fulfilled me and I started to pray loudly, claiming clearly that my family belonged to God. And that I wanted him out of my life and that I wasn't afraid of him (I don't know why I felt it was a HIM). My whole body was trembling (I'm having goose bump when writing up this part) and the TV started to turn on and off until it finally turned off for good. I never felt so strong of all my life... ever. I was like a lioness protecting her territory and challenging an intruder.

I never had problems after that night when I stood up to it. But I was curious to know why 3:00 AM ? The weekend after, my pastor told me the whole thing about the evil 3:00 AM hour. I was shocked ! I am relived to see I'm not the only one that it occurred to, maybe differently but still the same hour...

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