Night at grandmas

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Hey new true ghost story coming at ya hope u like it 😜

This is a personal ghost encounter that I've experienced when I was only seven years old. My parents were celebrating their fifteenth anniversary, and I had to go to my grandmothers house for a few days.

My grandmother's house was located in the country side. It has wooden floors and 2-3 bedrooms.

It was nighttime- about 8:30 PM. I was getting dressed for bed in the washroom when I heard footsteps. I thought it was Grandma, so I ignored it. When I heard those footsteps again, I looked outside the bathroom door and I noticed my Grandma's door was closed all the way, so it must of been my imagination since I was really tired at that point. 5 minutes later, I shut my door and went to bed.

I woke up at 12:45 AM for a bathroom break and a glass of water. I noticed the sink was already on. I poured myself a glass and turned the sink off. I noticed the kitchen was really cold, about 8-10 degrees, so I sipped the glass down quickly and hurried off to bed with extra blanket and closed the door.

I then woke up once again at 7:30 AM. I was playing with my train set when I saw a black shadow of an elderly man on the wall near my door. I said, "who's there? Is that you, Grandma?" and "whoever it is, please go away!". The shadow faded and disappeared within seconds.

I asked my grandmother if she experienced stuff like this. She experienced paranormal activity numerous times, she said. Unfortunately, my grandmother has no history of the house whatsoever, so this paranormal mystery remains 'unknown'.

By the look of the cracked walls (infested with spiders), dirty wooden floors, and old cracked doors that creek when opened, this house looks pretty old to me.

My grandmother moved to a better house and never experienced any paranormal activity there. What did I see, and what did this guy want?

Thanks for reading and thanks for scared forever for sharing this story with us.

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