The demond faces

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I'm 17 years old and I've already begun to wonder why it has to happen to me. On a Sunday about 2 to 3 weeks ago I smelt church candles when they burn, and lately I've been seeing demon faces when I just shut my eyes so I can go to sleep.

I'm living with my boyfriend and his parents and I told him about the smell but not about the demon faces, even though he doesn't believe in this stuff. I'm scared of what will happen if it gets worse or if I don't get help.

Stuff like this never happened to me before. The first time I got freaked out like this was when I was 10 when I saw my dead grandfather in the kitchen across my bedroom when I was in one of the houses in Fawkner.

Both my parents are dead and I don't know who to turn to anymore. My boyfriend doesn't believe in ghosts and all that, but he's not really an atheist.

Anyway, I keep wondering why this is happening to me. Sometimes I wonder if this is God's will for me to go through all this and to feel this way. I want it to stop and I want it to go away but I'm scared of all of it. Sometimes I'm even scared of going to sleep because I don't want to see the faces of the demons that I see.

Please help...

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