Chapter 11

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I wake up in my hotel room alone. I sit up and look around wondering where Antonio went. I look on my side table and notice a glass of orange juice and 2 blue liquid pills next to the orange juice. I guess it is for my headache due to my hangover so I swallow the pills and drink the juice, just as I am finishing the juice Antonio walks in looking hotter then usual. I watch him as he slowly walks towards the bed.
He leans down kisses me slowly on my cheek then inches his way down my neck. I let out a low moan without realizing it. He stops what he is doing looks deep into my eyes and says "Keep moaning like that and we may not leave the hotel today" I blush and look down at my hands.
"well what did you have in mind?" I asked him in between kisses.
"come, get dressed mi gattina I have a very special place I wish to show you." I got up and walked towards my dresser. I couldn't decide what to wear today. Do I wear a two piece outfit or a jumpsuit?
"Mi amore. Would you at least give me a hint to where we're going" I asked him. He smiled that beautiful room brightening smile.
"Mmm wear this with this. And no hints." he said handing me a bright red maxi skirt with a wrap around halter. He wore a deep green fitted shirt with a pair of light denim jeans.
"you ready mi gattina?" He asked me. I shook my head mesmerized by him. He held out his hand out towards me. I took his hand and we both walked out of the hotel room. On our way out, one of the desk employees stopped me.
"Miss? this was dropped off for you." He handed me a thin envelope with the address written in my fathers handwriting.
I wanted to read the letter but I wanted to be here with Antonio and not read the problems of my family. I put the envelope in my bag and gave Antonio my full attention.
"Who was it from?" Antonio asked as we walked out of the hotel.
"my father. probably wants me to call him."
"So you should. He just needs to know your safe." he assured me.
"yeah and I will just after our day though. I don't want to know what's going on in California. I'm not ready." I told him as a car pulled up in front of us. The driver, a lean man with a boyish face, stepped out of the car and opened the door for us. We sat in the car talking, and laughing when Antonio said "open the letter. I can see it in your eyes that you want to." he took my champagne glass and watched as I opened my letter from home. I read the contents. My father mostly talked about his businesses and my mother. But towards the end of the letter is where I tried to avoid. Before I knew it my hand shot up towards my mouth and I gasped as if I needed air. I continued in horror. I didn't realize Antonio calling my name until I was finished with the letter.
"Ava mi gattina what is it?" He moved seats to where I sat.
"My father wrote that my sister's Alisa and Addison are missing. He said they were kidnapped and that there was a warning call. He said the caller said, ''Keep Ava away from my son or else." Antonio's face went from one red to another from anger.
"Driver, we need to make a stop." he said. The driver knowledged and turned the car around headed back towards the business district. we stopped in front of a building with dark windows. Antonio stepped out of the car and walked inside the building. I followed him into the building where he was talking to the receptionist.
"you don't understand it's important. you have to let me see him."
"I understand Antonio but he is booked back to back with meetings." she was saying.
"Antonio it's obvious she doesn't realize what kind of guy Dante is... or she doesn't care." The receptionist looked from Antonio to me.
"Ava, I would like for you to go back to the hotel. Tell the driver I said to drive you back I'll see you later." He said I shook my head
"no I want to stay here with you." Antonio looked back towards the receptionist before speaking.
"we're not leaving until we see him. so you can give him a call and tell him to get down here or we expose him." he told her. we stood at the desk waiting. The receptionist talked to someone on the phone. she hmmed during brief pauses then hung up the phone.
"someone will be down in a moment." she said getting back to work. as she said, moments later a man walked out of the elevator. He wore a very expensive tailored burgundy red suit.
"Giovanni?" Antonio walked away from the desk and stood in front of this man. As I looked to Antonio and this man called Giovanni it became clear to me they are identical twins.
"Brother. what sort of business do you have with father?" When Antonio didn't respond I took it as my cue.
"I got this letter in the mail from my father. In it he said my two older sisters were kidnapped. He got a call saying "keep Ava away from my son or else" now that sounds alot like Dante to me. If..." it was Antonio who spoke up this time.
"I'll give you a partnership for my new business and my own mob."
"your own mob? business? are you mad? what do you think father is going to do when he finds out brother?"
"He threatened the only person I actually care about and her family. I won't have it. I am getting out. I told you what you get out of this but the only question is are you in or out?"
"ok I'll tell you something that you cannot repeat. father is in California, he says it's for business but we don't even have business prospects in the states. It's really got me thinking what he's really up to."

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