Beach Party Pt. 2

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As they walked over to the beer pong table, Anna quickly gave Finley a run down of the basic rules of beer pong. You had to stand behind your end of the table and your elbow could never go over the edge. You and your partner alternate turns, while alternating turns with the the team across from you. You could either toss the ball directly into the cup, or bounce it once onto the table to hop into the cup. Depending on your game's specific rules, if you choose to bounce the ball, the opposing team could try and swat it away, but they still must keep their elbows behind the edge of the table.

Finley was rapidly taking in the information, trying to make sure she had a good grasp on the rules so she wouldn't embarrass herself. 6 cups were set up in a pyramid formation on each end of the table.

Hawk tossed the ping pong ball in his hand, a smirk growing. "All right, eye to eye, let's get this started."

"That's you." Anna said handing Finley the ball and grabbing her shoulders to move her to the center of their end of the table.

"What?" Finley whispered back.

"To figure out which team goes first, one player from each team takes a shot. So line up your shot, and then you will both shoot at the same time... you just have to maintain eye contact with him the entire time."

Finley's eyes slowly drifted to glare at her friend, part of the truth coming out as to why they were really playing this game. "I am going to kill you."

"Yeah, well. I already got some fudge so go ahead." Anna said patting her shoulder and stepping back slightly.

A smile twitched on her lips as she turned, ping pong ball in hand, back to face Hawk who wore a competitive smirk.

"You ready?" Finley lined up her shot and nodded her head. "On three."


8 feet between them, and Finley could still see the blue of his eyes. Light from the bonfire reflected in them, the flames dancing in his irises making them appear alight with mischief.


Despite his drastic change in appearance, his eyes were still the same baby blue that she loved. In fact, his change to Hawk allowed her to see them more as they were not cast down anymore. Instead they looked from person to person with confidence, were almost never the first to look away, and only every once in awhile would she notice them dip down with the rest of his face in silent laughter at something that may not be considered cool.


Finley shook off her thoughts and threw the ball with the amount of force she figured was necessary to get it into a cup. The ball hit the rim of the cup and Finley finally tore her gaze away from Hawk only to see it bounce away. Hawk's ball meanwhile sailed into a cup, his face breaking out into a grin before he high-fived Moon.

Anna nudged Finely with her arm. "That was some serious tension between you two." Finley glanced at her friend who was wiggling her eyebrows, and rolled her eyes. "Too much sexual tension throw you off your game?"

"Shut up before I tell my mom you hated her fudge and she never makes it for you again."

Anna gasped. "How dare you threaten my fudge."

The game of beer pong commenced. Hawk missed on his first real turn, but the second time he drained it, meaning Finley was supposed to drink. But without any hesitation or questioning, Anna drank Finley's for her.

Hawk's brow furrowed as he glanced between them. "What, you too cool to participate in the beer part of beer pong?"

Finley shrugged. "Not interested in drinking. Besides, I don't need to drink to be cool."

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