THANKS!(Not related)

859 19 48

(August 12)
Hello everyone
How are you all?
So you may be thinking why am I uploading a new chapter to a completed story, right?
Well to tell you this isn't related to the story in any means. I mean it is a little but still doesn't change anything that happened in the story.

So what I'm saying is. Today as I was just scrolling through Pinterest trying to find some reference pictures for my other book. I found something. And guess what it was. It was a page of this story. I-I was overwhelmed like I COULDN'T BELEVE IT! This may just sound something stupid to some of you but when I used to see other stories just pop up in my Pinterest I would think how it would feel to have my story up there and now, I have my story up there. Quite the journey I had.

You all are great, thanks! T-T

The Reaper [Demon Slayer]Where stories live. Discover now