Chapter 13: Moving Foward

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**Dean's Pov**

I have never seen Dana so angry with me, I know I had told her four weeks and we will be in our new home. It is now going on week fourteen, I keep running into issues. First, it was a nest of carpenter ants that hadn't been killed off by the pest man, we had to fix the damage they had caused. The second issue after we removed the roof to replace it, we had an unexpected storm coming in, had to wait for the cabin to dry out. In the next round of bad luck, my second in command who is also Aaron's replacement injured himself on site, so I had to go back to full-time work which means I can only go to the cabin on the weekends and after work. As I am limited on how many people, I can have to help me, I must work around their work hours as well. Just keep getting hit back so many times, if it's not fixing something it's something that is on backorder. 

It has been ten fucking weeks of her not letting me touch her, kiss her anything. I am about to explode at someone. No one wants to work with me, I am snapping their heads off, even my own brothers are about to hold an intervention to get her to let me touch her. I don't want this baby to be born before this cabin is ready, I do that I am very sure she will leave me over it. We have never gone this long without touching each other, by this rate I may as well be a virgin again.

Her belly has grown so much, and she is looking stunning every day. More smoking fucking hot if I am telling the truth, but I cannot think of that I do not need a raging hard-on after this big drought. She still won't find out the gender of our little peanut, I do believe it's punishment for taking so long in fixing this place up. Why the hell did I marry such a stubborn lass for? This lass is going to be the death of me.

Aaron had left for his deployment, suicide mission of his he doesn't know that I know he never left them. It wasn't meant to be this long, but I get the feeling they have shoved more than one mission onto him. He said he will be home this weekend, but he doesn't want a big family welcome home. I don't blame him either he wants the weekend with Erin, so she can get him to be half normal around the extended family. Before he left, he dropped that she was expecting as well, we all cannot wait it seems these girls like to be pregnant around the same time as each other. Doesn't faze me means they all get to grow up together.

Jamie has finally found Monica, but she is refusing to see him. She has texted him saying she is gutted that he chose our side over hers. I truly do not understand why she is like this; she was never like this until after her son was born. It is hurting Jamie more than anyone right now, as he confessed to me that he was going to try and work it out with her for their son's sake. He has found out that she had not put Jamie's name down as the father's name on the birth certificate so now he has no leg to stand on in the court of law. What is worst she is going after his business, houses, bank accounts along with his four one k. I do hope his lawyers can fight this so he doesn't lose everything he has worked hard for. She really has become worse than her own mother.

I am on my drive home from the cabin, it is nearly finished just need some last-minute things to be done. We haven't heard anything new about Ava's father nor Sam. Not since Aaron dumped Sam at the same place that they are holding her father in. I am taking this as a good thing and leaving it at that. Pulling up to my father's house I see dad's and Jamie's cars are in the carport but not Dana's car Iwonder where she could be at this hour? I park behind Jamie's knowing we bothbe leaving work at the same time tomorrow. As I walk up the front door, I canhear my dad singing the old folklore songs he used to sing to us when we werechildren. I open the front door and my boys both spot me running towards me with big grins on their faces arms up for hugs screaming my name, fuck I miss these two while I am at work.

I squat down to their level, holding my arms out for them. They both jump in, I wrap my arms around them both kissing them each as I pretend to fall back because they knocked me over, they are now in fits of laughter. These two have melted my heart, god help me if peanut is a girl. "I thought I could hear your voice," Dana said, I look up at her in shock, as I thought she wasn't home as her car isn't in the carport. She is glowing so beautiful with leggings and one of my shirts that she can now keep as that belly has stuffed it but I really do not mind as it looks fucking better on her than it ever did on me. "Hey Beautiful, where's your car?" I asked her, "Oh, it's in the shop." She said so quietly, "What? Why?" I asked shocked. She looks away from me embarrassed, my dad is giggling to himself. Now I really want to know what the hell happened to her car. "Um." She said, "Dana whatever it is please tell me, I won't get mad at you." I told her, "But you will laugh at me!" She said, "How do you know that?" I asked shocked, "Well, Dad and Jamie already have!" She cried out, my heart has just gotten bigger every time she calls my dad her dad. I have no idea how those two people who had her managed to have two lovely children, I am glad she has him as a father figure.

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