Chapter Thirty-Three

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Kelsey POV

The restaurant my dad agreed to meet me and Jack at was extremely fancy. I once again was in my brand new blue dress, excited that this time I would actually get to wear it out of the hotel room. I hurried into the restaurant, my high heels making it difficult because of the slick concrete.

It was raining in LA. I swear, people are huddled in their houses and refusing to come outside-rain here is as bad as two feet of snow back in New York.

I safely made it into the cover of the building and popped my long black coat open. I did my best to fix my hair and revive some of the curls I put in an hour ago, but the rain had other plans.

My dad and Jack both decided to meet me here because my dad was coming straight from work (like always) and Jack was finishing rehearsals for tonight's show. I checked my phone and realized I was ten minutes late.

Praying that Jack and my dad were not sitting together, talking about embarrassing stories from my childhood, I rushed to the hostess and told them my reservation. "Oh, looks like you're the first of your party to arrive. Please, come right this way."

My eyebrows came together in surprise at her statement. I hadn't expected to be first, especially with the traffic jam I hit on the way over.

That's probably why they're late too, I thought. People can't drive when it's raining here, so they're most definitely just stuck in traffic.

I thanked the hostess when we arrived at the table and I loosely shrugged off my coat. I nervously fixed my hair again and checked my mirror to make sure my lipstick still looked ok.

Once I was done with my meaningless tasks, I crossed my legs and waited.

After ten minutes went by with no calls or texts, I uncrossed my legs and stared at my phone. My mood that had been relatively good before I arrived had decreased exponentially. Suddenly, I wasn't excited anymore to endure a dinner with my father who spends more time on his phone than with me and my so called boyfriend who doesn't even have the decency to remember our dates.

Anger flooded through my chest at the two men in my life and I instantly regretted inviting Jack to dinner. I still don't even know what's going on with us, yet I felt compelled to have him with me tonight. I longed for the comfort he usually brings me in situations that are less than ideal. I once again fell prey to the temptation of Jack and his hands on my skin.

"Kelsey! Honey, I'm so sorry I'm late," I snapped out of my thoughts and forced a smile on my face when I saw my dad hurrying over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Things were going crazy at the office and I couldn't leave. But I'm only," he pauses and glances down at his watch, "twenty-five minutes late! I'm sorry again."

I pushed my ill feelings aside and responded, "Oh, it's no problem. I got here late too. The traffic was horrendous." I strategically left out that I was significantly less late than he was.

As my dad settled into the seat across from me, he noticed that our third chair was empty. "What happened? Your boyfriend couldn't make it tonight?"

My eyes glazed over to the empty chair and brought composure to my face. "No, no he's coming! He texted me before and apologized for running so late. He's on his way now," I lied.

My father nodded in understanding and folded his napkin across the expensive pants of his suit. "Good. I'm looking forward to meeting the boy that is making my daughter so happy."

I managed a half smile.

"And the boy who she is practically living with."

I sipped from my glass of water.

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