Chapter Two

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A/N: I did add new characters that don't exist in the 'vine world' to further the story. Enjoy xx

Jack POV

I groaned as Nash brought the new girl over to our table. When will this guy stop hooking up with anything that can walk?

After living here for eighteen years, there was absolutely nothing to do in Omaha; that's why when Jack and I found this bar with an owner who doesn't give a shit, it become the spot. A spot, though, that was not open to every foreigner passing through, especially this girl who looked like she had a stick up her ass. Definitely from a big city, I thought.

After Sara, my tolerance for stuck up bitches was at an all-time low. This girl could take her designer sunglasses and high-waisted shorts back to wherever she came from. But of course, Nash was already all over her. And she seemed to be into him too. So now you can add idiot to her list of qualities. Anyone with a brain or two functioning eyes could tell Nash was a sleaze that has slept with more girls than the entire city of Omaha combined. Including Sara.

"She's pretty hot." My best friend Jack said next to me. Coincidentally, both of our names were Jack. Pretty much everyone calls him Johnson as a way to differentiate, even though we couldn't be more different. Johnson with his blonde hair and blue eyes was smartest in our class, great with girls, musically talented, etc. Pretty exhausting being his best friend.

"Not really." I said, stubbornly. I ignored the shocked look Jack gave me. Johnson needs to stop paying attention to girls and focus on our future. Neither one of us was going to college when the summer ended; we both decided to pursue our immense success with our social media. Johnson and I have been friends since kindergarten and became nearly inseparable in middle school when we both realized we wanted to do much bigger things than Omaha has to offer. One day, we were messing around with small videos and by the end of the night, we had formed our own Vine channel. Over the next four years, we did everything possible to get our names out there and now, we were so successful that we were touring our new EP at the end of August.

I still don't understand what made us blow up on the internet— probably because we have that small town appeal.

"Dude you need to get over what happened with Sara. It's been over three months. She's moved on, you should too," Johnson lectured. He came to stand next to me and grasped my shoulder. "Your first step is to admit that girl is hot as hell, because she is."

I took another look at the girl from afar and became intrigued. It wasn't every day that a random came to hang out in our bar. I didn't like the intrusion. "Anyone who pays attention to Nash loses all respect in my book," I said with ease.

Johnson just shook his head at me and walked to go talk to Sam. My eyes found themselves wandering back to the mysterious girl, and I took in her appearance; I first noticed her ridiculous body and instantly agreed with Johnson— she was sexy. Within a second, as if she could sense my gaze, her doe brown eyes locked with mine and I found it hard to look away. There was much more to her than her long legs and a slender stomach—I saw her layers. I saw that behind her exuding confidence, she was intimated by the sight in front of her and wanted nothing more than to get away from the stares of strangers surrounding her.

        She didn't belong here.

But then again, neither did I. Soon, Johnson and I would be headed on tour to play shows and host  meet and greets with all our fans. I still can barely manage the thought that girls would actually pay to meet us. Even though I found it hard to believe, I basked in the attention. I just had to get through this summer and soon, I would be out of this godforsaken city. 

Suddenly, the girl (Kelsey I think?) was sauntering over to the pool table and grabbed the stick out of Nash's grimy hand, causing him to move back in shock. Nash rarely got rejected.

Surprisingly, she was actually pretty good at pool. What kind of girl was good at pool? I know the two sluts all over Cameron in the corner wouldn't even know what to do when presented with the game. And then here comes this girl who just hit better than half the people in here.

And she did it while showing up Nash. She successfully gained my attention without even trying.

Without a word, she shoved the stick into Nash's chest and walked out of the bar. I tried my best not to smile, because this girl just left Nash Grier speechless.

Maybe she wasn't so stuck-up after all.

A Spotlight Summer (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now