Chapter Two: Brian

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I walked next to the younger boy at his own pace. He was shy, and seemed a bit frightened. I suppose I would be too if people treated me the way they treat him. I wanted to break the silence, though wasn't sure what to say and I didn't want to make him feel obligated to speak.

"This is.. My house.." He said, slowing down to a stop.

"Oh," I said quietly, "Mine is just down the street."

He nodded his head, but didn't speak.

How can I get this kid to trust me?

It wasn't fair what the others did to him. I'm surprised by how much sexual orientation can change someone's opinion about a person, but really, I don't think that should matter. Zacky seemed like a really nice kid. The others just have to learn that deep inside he's the same as us.

"Uh.. B-Bye," Zacky said, almost whispering.

"I'll see 'ya tomorrow?" I asked, hoping we could at least become friends.

"I guess so..." The younger boy didn't make much eye contact, but it seemed like I really couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

Woah, woah, what? I can't like him. I'm not gay.

There was just something about the way his emerald eyes sparkled, and his snakebites glinted in the sunlight. I bit my lip, watching as he headed towards his house, disappearing through the door.

I began walking again, towards my own house. For some reason Zacky just kept popping into my head. I tried to push the thoughts away. I'm not like him. I'm not gay. I can't like him. I honestly didn't even know him.

Though, something about him just really made me want to take his face into my hands and-

No. I kept trying to tell myself, I'm not gay, I don't like him.


I sat on my bed, trying to concentrate on my guitar when my dad peeked his head through the door.

"McKenna is trying to sleep, can you play tomorrow?"

I sighed, putting my guitar down, "I guess," I put the guitar away and laid on my bed. Dad left, and I began to think of Zacky again.

I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to ignore the thoughts. I turned my light off, and attempted to sleep. Yet, it seemed like every time I closed my eyes, I saw him. His vibrant green eyes, slightly tousled hair, the way he nervously licked his snakebites.


I opened my eyes to see little specks of light above me, surrounded by darkness. It took me a while to notice I was looking at the night sky. I sat up, realizing I was on the beach.

"What the fu-..." My voice trailed off. I jumped at the sound of a soft voice next to me.

"What's wrong?" I turned to see Zacky, sitting up beside me. He took my hand in his and held it.

"Uhm.. Nothing I just..." Then our lips met. I closed my eyes, trying to savor the softness of his lips against mine. I trailed my tongue along Zacky's lower lip, over his snakebites. I felt the younger boy wrap his arms around my neck, when I woke with a start.

I sat upright, rubbing my eyes and running a hand over my face. It seemed so real, like I could really feel his hands through my hair, and the taste of his lips against mine. It was incredible that I just met this boy and I could already feel romantic feelings beginning to sprout.

I let out a small sigh of disappointment that it was only a dream.

But hey, dreams come true.. Right?

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