Chapter Thirty-Six: Epilogue

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Their lips connected, both hearts beating quickly as if in sync with their excited minds. This kiss was one of the most fascinating and exhilarating kisses the two boys had ever experienced. Both Zacky and Brian, together, explored their racing thoughts of all the times they had already had together, and all of the times that were to come. Would it be forever?

Friends who had gathered for the ceremony cheered and the two, now grown men, turned towards their family and acquaintances, linking their arms together.

Zacky giggled at Brian's ruffled hair, being blown by the powerful wind. Microscopic grains of sand blew with the wind, covering soft footprints that were imprinted across the beach. A beach wedding probably wasn't the most intelligent idea, considering all of the sand and wind, but it was certainly the most beautiful.

The two boys' relationship had always been strong, once all of their rough spots were finally healed. They stayed together, and then the moment same-sex marriage was legalized in California, Brian proposed to his emerald-eyed lover. That was in June of 2008. Zacky always knew it would happen some day. If gay marriage was not legalized, he knew Brian would've been intent enough on moving to an entirely new country, just in order to get married. They loved each other too much to just be named "boyfriends."

And it had finally happened. The two high school lovers were married. And it was going to stay that way forever. Or so, they hoped.

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