Chapter Twenty-Two: Zacky

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In the time since Brian and I had gotten back together, (which was about four weeks ago) we had grown closer. Even closer than ever before, it seemed, in fear of losing each other again.

We even completely forgot about the horrible events that had occured before.

Well, we didn't forget. But we ignored them. And we never mentioned them. In our minds, they never happened.

We wanted to live a long life together, and we were determined for that to happen. It would be impossible if we kept bringing up the past.

My phone vibrated, as Brian called me.

"Hello?" I asked, waiting for his response.

"Hey, uh, I'm home alone today."

I bit my lip, automatically guessing that sex was an option. Which, the more I thought about, was a pretty good idea to me.

"Stay over." He pleaded.

"Okay," I said, looking at the clock. It was only a little past noon.

"Come over now, babe." Brian replied, "I miss you."

"It's only been two days." I chuckled, but then gave in. "I'll be over soon." With that, I hung up.

I crept down the stairs, happy to find that my dad wasn't home. But my mom was. She laid across the couch, clearly drunk.

"I'm staying over at a friend's house." I said, unsure if she even heard me. But I left anyways.


Brian opened the door, grabbing my wrist and pulling me in. I gasped as he closed the door and pushed me against it.

But he didn't kiss me. Instead he laughed, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi, Zee." He said, obviously happy to see me.

I chuckled, "Hi, Brian."

Then he kissed me, playing with my hair.

"Let's go to the beach." Brian suggested, once he leaned away.


We walked through the sand, our hands intertwined. The weather was warm, and the sun was out.

"It's beautiful today." I said, closing my eyes and savoring the warmth.

I looked over at Brian, who shrugged, unimpressed.

"It's not as beautiful as you." He replied, squeezing my hand.

I blushed, looking at the ground, "I love you, Bri."


"Faggots!" Two boys yelled, laughing hysterically.

Brian stopped walking, and tensed as if he was going to fight them. I put my hand on his chest, holding him back.

"Stop, they're just assholes looking for attention." I whispered.

Brian let go of my hand, beginning to walk over to them. I called out his name again, but he ignored me.

I couldn't hear what my boyfriend said at first, or what the boy replied, but it pissed Brian off beyond comprehension.

Brian pulled his arm back, closing his hand before his fist slammed into the boy's nose. He fell back, into the sand, and the other boy stepped towards Brian.

Brian said something, turned around, and walked back to me.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked, looking over his shouler to see what was happening.

"You heard what the dicks said." Brian replied, shrugging once more.


We got back to Brian's house, going up the stairs and into his bedroom. I sat on the bottom of his bed, and he leaned over me, kissing my forehead.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He said, placing his hand on my cheek.

I nodded, turning my head and kissing his palm.

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