Chapter Twenty-Four: Brian

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(Author's Note): I'm so sorry guys! I finished writing this entire chapter as Brian's POV, then realized it should've been Zacky's. I'm just leaving it like this, though. I promise I'll do Zacky's next! :)



"No, stop!" Zacky yelled, struggling against me, "Brian, please!"

I sat on his stomach, ignoring his pleads, and I continued to tickle him.

Every once in a while a giggle would escape his mouth, but then he squirmed beneath me again.

"Stop, Bri!" He laughed, trying to push me away.

He managed to flip me over, so that he was on top of me.

"Now it's my turn." He smirked, lifting my shirt and tickling my stomach.

"No!" I cried out, laughing.

I easily pushed him off of me, and quickly sat up.

"No more." I held my hands up in defense.

"Okay." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzled into my chest, breathing in deeply.

"You smell nice."

I chortled, "Thanks?"

"Mhm." He mumbled, nodding his head.

I kissed his head, breathing in his scent, "So do you."

We heard the front door open, and Zacky jumped, quickly moving to the other side of the couch.

"It's a really good game." He spoke quietly.

I was confused at first, but then understood, "I'll have to try it."

My dad and Suzy walked into the room with Kenna, and Brent immediately went up to his room.

"Uh, hey guys. This is my b-" I stopped suddenly, correcting myself, "friend, Zacky." I introduced him.

Dad shook his hand, and Suzy waved.

"It's nice to meet you." She spoke quietly, then left the room with Kenna.

I raised an eyebrow at Dad, who just shook his head.

"Her and Brent got in a fight." He whispered, and I nodded.

I looked over at Zacky, then back at my dad, "Uh, we're gonna go walk around or something."

Then I led him to the front door, and we left.


Branches snapped beneath our feet as Zacky and I stepped through the small forest.

"I've always loved the woods." Zacky mumbled, almost to himself, "It's so peaceful."

I nodded in agreement, intertwining our fingers.

The younger boy squeezed my hand, and I smiled at him.

"I love you, Zee." I said, pulling him into my arms.

He tilted his head back, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too."


I pulled Zacky up, helping him into the tree. We were able to find one that we could climb, and sit next to each other on sturdy branches.

He wrapped his arms around me for support, and then sat down on the branch. Lowering his hands, he placed one on my knee.

I cleared my throat, "H-how has it been, you know, at home?" I asked nervously.

Zacky shrugged, "The same as always, I suppose. My dad hasn't been home much. My mom is drunk almost all the time." He looked down.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, baby."

He laid his head on my shoulder, but stayed silent. I didn't want to bring it up again, but I had another question.

"Do they, uh, treat Matt and Zina the same way as you?"

"No," Zacky answered, "because they aren't gay." He bit his lip.

I scoffed, but didn't know how to respond. Instead, I leaned my head onto Zacky's, trying to comfort him.

"I saw Michelle a few days ago."

I leaned away, surprised by what my boyfriend had just told me.


He continued, "She tried to tell me that you were cheating on me." Zacky snorted, but my eyes were wide with fear.

Why didn't Zacky tell me this before? Does he believe her?

"I could tell that she was lying by the way she spoke." He finished, allowing me to sigh with relief.

"I can't believe she's making up lies about me." I sighed again, "Did me breaking up with her seriously affect her this much? So much that she is trying to ruin my relationship with you?"

"I guess so." Zacky replied, eyes scanning the forest.

The sun was beginning to set. But we didn't leave. We sat in the tall tree, holding each other.

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