Chapter Thirteen: Brian

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Zacky and I sat on my front porch, lit cigarettes between our teeth. I was slightly surprised that Zacky smoked, but to be honest, he seemed a little surprised that I did.

"I'm going to make tonight special." Zacky said, glancing over at me for a moment.

"How so?" I asked curiously, silently taking guesses.

Maybe he wants to take me to his house. Maybe he wants to take me to the beach. Maybe he wants to have sex- No, Zacky wouldn't do that. Not yet, at least.

Zacky chuckled, "It's a surprise, you have to be patient."

I sighed softly. Pretending to be more upset than I truly was, I glanced at the younger guitarist, begging with my eyes.

Giggling, he said, "That's not going to work, Bri."


Zacky and I had spent most of the day walking around town or making out on the couch if it got too hot to be outside.

He was sitting on top of me when he leaned away from our kiss. I raised an eyebrow quizically, though he just smiled at me.

"You're so handsome, Bri."

I chuckled, "Yeah, how about yourself, Zeebear?"

"I like that name, Bribear." Zacky winked at me, still smiling.

I couldn't help but to laugh. And what I said was true. Zacky was handsome. He was perfect.

I reached my hand towards his face and felt his nose, his cheekbones, his chin. I placed my hand beneath his chin and gently pulled him towards me. I then began to feel his face with my lips, instead.

Zacky smiled, and I kissed his forehead. Then I moved down to his nose, then his lips. But I didn't stop there. I continued down, planting kisses along his jaw.

The younger boy let out a soft moan as I sucked on his pulse point.

"Brian," He said quietly, "Stop."

I leaned away from Zacky, wondering if I had done something wrong.

"I just don't want to take this too far already..." His voice trailed off, but I understood. He was nervous, and I vowed to myself not to push him into something he was not ready for.

I nodded, then asked, "So, how are you going to make this night special?" Smirking at the boy on my lap.

"Oh yeah!" Zacky got off of me, and led me towards the front door. "I'm going to need your keys." He continued.

"Can you even drive?" I questioned, chucking.

Rolling his eyes he replied, "Yes, now just give them to me."

I finally gave in and handed him my keys.


"Okay, open your eyes!" Zacky said excitedly.

He made me keep my eyes shut the entire time so I wouldn't know where we were going.

Zacky had parked in front of a fancy Italian restaurant, which made my heart sink and jump at the same time. Although I was grateful that we would be going on our first date, this restaurant was expensive, and I knew Zacky wasn't going to let me pay.

So when we sat down and received our menus, I made sure to pick the least expensive selection. I didn't really even pay attention to what it was.

I looked up at Zacky, though he was still examining his menu, trying to decide what he wanted.

I watched him closely, catching little things like the flicker of his eyes over the menu, or the way he licked his snakebites often.

I really was in love with this boy.

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