Chapter Eleven: Brian

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As I waited for the time to go by until I could show Zacky his surprise, we ended up on the couch again. He was wrapped tightly into my arms, and my head laid on his shoulder. Zacky turned to kiss my cheek, and I smiled.

How can one boy be so perfect? I constantly found myself silently asking this question. It was getting later in the day, almost 5:30, but the sun was only just beginning to set. I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I took Zacky's hand, standing up and gently tugging him with me.

"Where are we going?" the younger boy asked, quietly.

"To see your surprise." I smirked, pulling him towards the back door.

I opened the door to present Zacky with his little gift: A large tent, a fire pit, and several bags of marshmallows, Graham crackers, chocolate, and even some hot dogs. I was hoping that we could stay in the tent over night after we had made dinner over the fire.

As I glanced back towards Zacky, I could see the smile spreading widely across his face. He excitedly turned towards me and reached his hand to my face, pulling me down for a kiss.

After we finally broke apart, I heard a whisper.

"I love it, Brian, I love you."

It made me wonder though, does he really love me? Of course he said he did, but maybe it was just in the moment, it slipped out.

The younger guitarist took my hand, and we walked over to the two chairs I had set up next to the fire pit. I started the fire, and we took out two hot dogs, roasting them over the flames. After we had eaten them, I had an idea.

"I'll be right back." I said to Zacky, leaving him momentarily as I stepped inside. I went upstairs, quickly grabbing two blankets out of my room. One to lay on, and one just in case either of us got cold.

That wouldn't happen, though. It was almost summer in California. It seemed nearly impossible.

I returned to Zacky with the blankets, spreading one flat across the grass. When I turned towards him, he was standing behind me.

"Let's make s'mores or roast marshmallows." He said with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile back, planting a swift kiss on his lips.


My left arm wrapped itself around Zacky, holding him close. We laid on the blanket I had spread out, and looked up at the stars.

"I wish I could count how many there were." Zacky finally broke the silence.

I nodded my head in agreement, though truthfully, I'd never want to take the time to count any of the stars. As I scanned my eyes over the night sky, the Big Dipper caught my attention. The sky was very clear compared to its usual cloudy atmosphere caused by smog. I was grateful for this. It made the moment with Zacky feel even better.

At some point, we both got a little tired of staring at the stars and we got up. The younger boy pulled me into the tent after him. I had already put pillows in there, and I dragged the two blankets in after us.

We didn't talk much that night. Sometimes it was better to stay silent. It was more tranquil that way.

Zacky curled up next to me, cocooning me in his arms. I kissed his forehead softly as his breathing became slow and rhythmic.

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