Marvel [Steve X Reader]

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Imagine the Avengers finding out what you truly are.

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Becoming friendly with the Avengers was a total accident. You'd been alive long enough to know how to stay hidden in plain sight, but it was just your luck that some type of alien species decided to attack a place you just so happened to be at, at the time. You weren't fond of killing for sport and didn't take it so well when the aliens started shooting off energy beams at any human it set its sight on.

Using your speed and strength to your advantage, you sped through the streets getting people to safety and/or punching your fist through alien chests in hopes of killing them then and there. You'd been so focused on taking out the threat that you nearly took Captain America's shield to the gut, but you turned around just in time and caught it when it had ricocheted off a building. Shield in hand, you glanced around wildly for the superhero and then flung the shield right back at him when he stared at you in surprise. An energy blast to the shoulder caught you off guard, but also angered you to the point that your vision bled red and you tore through all the aliens on the same street as you.

Afterwards, as you were catching your breath, Captain America and the other geared up superheroes found you. They tried luring you back to their tower to get your shoulder checked out after Captain America kindly informed them he had witnessed you take a blast to said shoulder, but after showing them it was healed you had waved off their generosity. That, of course, only intrigued Iron Man all the more and he immediately wanted to run tests. But given how much energy you had used up, you knew you needed to feed before letting them run any form of tests. They were hesitant to let you go, but after promising to show up the following day they couldn't exactly keep you. Especially since you took up Captain America's offer to drive you home once they found out where you lived.

That was a couple years ago and to this day they hadn't questioned your superhuman feats after Tony and Bruce surprisingly found nothing out of the ordinary with your blood.

"So YN," Natasha says, grinning as she slowly sips her beer, "how was that blind date of yours the other night?"

Your nose wrinkles in distaste, and Steve and Clint laugh. "Never. Again," you tell her. "You have terrible taste in picking my would-be one night stands."

"Well you're not exactly forthcoming with the type of person you're looking to hook up with."

You roll your eyes and then glance to your left, side-eying Steve who was sitting next to you in the booth at the bar the four of you frequented when they had the night off. "Rogers. Find me someone like Steve, just not so.. wholesome."

"W-What?" Clint laughs. Natasha raises an eyebrow, glancing between you and Steve.

"Steve is the perfect package," you say, reaching over to pinch his cheek as he laughs. "He's just a little too perfect for my tastes. I want someone who's got Steve's entire persona in public, but then behind closed doors will choke me as he fucks me into the mattress."

Clint spews his beer, choking. "Jesus Christ!" You and Steve laugh at his misfortune, Natasha smirking as she pounds on his back. "Warn a guy, YN!"

"Where's the fun in that?" You muse. As Clint calms down, you then say, "But in all seriousness, Steve is mostly my type. Just a little more beardy and we're golden."

Steve's mid-sip when he glances at you. "And if I grew out my beard?"

"I would climb you like a goddamn tree."

"Ugh. You two can't hook up!" Clint complains. "At least not for another month or so. I will not lose another bet to Barnes or Wilson." You merely shrug at him, letting his thoughts run rampant all on their own.

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