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Jungkook cried as he leaned on the toilet, letting out his the meal he had eaten awhile ago

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Jungkook cried as he leaned on the toilet, letting out his the meal he had eaten awhile ago. He had an arm around his stomach, while he dry heaves. He sniffles, leaning back after flushing.
"Please... Please make it stop" He says, he woke up with a massive headache and his nose bled too. He wipes his tears, luckily today was a day off. He wanted to spend his day off relaxing, but it seems like he can't because he's here sick. He hears knocks, making him clear his throat and immediately stood up. He washed his face and wiped with his towel before getting out and opening his door. He's met with a worried looking Jin.
"Yes, hyung?" He asks, giving a smile.

"I heard vomiting sounds, are you okay?" Jin asks, staring at him.
"Think of an excuse, Jungkook... Come on" Jungkook thought and giggled.
"It's nothing, hyung... I watched a horror movie and there's disgusting parts and you know that I get queasy when it comes to disgusting parts" Jungkook says, scratching his nape.
"Okay.. What about your eyes, why are they puffy?" Jin asks, frowning.
"Something got in my eyes and I rubbed it" Jungkook says, chuckling.
"Don't do that, okay?" Jin says and Jungkook nodded.

"I'm going out to buy groceries, wanna come?" Jin asks. Jungkook shook his head, smiling.
"Actually, no, hyung... I feel a bit lightheaded" Jungkook says.
"Hmm... Take some painkillers if you need to, okay?" Jin says and ruffles Jungkook's hair. Jungkook smiles and sighed in relief after he closes his door. He's glad Jin believed his lie.

Jungkook laid on his bed, clutching onto his stomach and winced.
"I hate this" He says, groaning. He grabbed his glass of water, which Jimin brought to him after he was informed that the maknae is sick.

"Make it stop.."


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