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Almost every single student in Hogwarts was wearing the same button titled Support Cedric Diggory the REAL Hogwarts school champion.

Faris and Draco had spent the morning handing them out, everyone wanted one. There was a line curling throughout the school to get one of the pins. Class would be starting soon and the line wasn't getting any shorter, at some point Filch the grubby caretaker had shooed students away with his broom, poking them in the ass.

They started out near the bench with just one box of buttons, and soon Draco had to multiply the number of buttons and it never seemed to be enough. They were now halfway through their seventh box.

Everyone was delighted by the pins, they would show them off to each other and hold them in the faces of Potter's friends.

"I'll take two. One is for my friend."

That damn heavy accent. Draco would recognize it anywhere.

His head violently swiveled toward Faris only to find Hristo smirking and making flirtatious eyes with her. His blood boiled in his veins, his knuckles turning white around the flaps of the box.

The pair continued to talk, acting nonchalant was becoming too difficult for Draco to manage. He clenched his teeth to refrain from saying anything.

Hristo's hand moved to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, her cheeks reddened and his hand lingered there. He was acting like he was in a mushy rom-com, specially made for Valentine's Day.

Everything about him seemed fake. His smile seemed fake, the glimmer in his eyes was fake, the way he moved and acted around her was all so fake. It was exhausting for Draco to watch them. He couldn't possibly like her the way Draco liked her.

He probably only liked Faris for her looks, he knew nothing about her and he didn't seem to be putting in an effort to get to know her either.

"You're holding up the line." Draco seethed, his eyes burning with rage as he angrily handed a pin to a second-year Ravenclaw.

Hristo's eyes went dark as he turned to Draco, his gaze cold. Faris looked between them curiously, her brows furrowed in confusion at the intense interaction they were having.

"My apologies," he grumbled, slowly, he turned back to Faris, he spoke quietly to her before trudging off.

"Bastard," Draco mumbled.


Slytherins had gathered outside of the potions classroom, talking loudly about their new pins. Draco was in the middle of all the attention, leaning against a wall with a devilish smirk glued to his slim face.

If he was being honest with himself he wasn't anticipating the pins to be this big of a deal. He was expecting maybe a box and a half of pins to be handed out and for them to be in everyone's trash bins the next day.

"Scarface incoming," Flint whispered to Draco, nudging him in the ribs.

"Like them, Potter?" Draco questioned loudly, pointing to his pin. "And this isn't all they do - look!" He pressed the pin further into his chest and the yellow Cedric Diggory logo dissolved into lime green with bubble lettering that said Potter stinks.

The Slytherins howled with laughter every one of them pressing their pins to their chests. Potter was fuming at the foot of the staircase, surrounded by a haze of lime green.

"Oh, very funny," Hermione said sarcastically to Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode who were snorting and shrieking with delight. "Really witty and clever, Malfoy."

Of course, the Slytherins only laughed louder and harder at her feeble attempts to defend Harry.

"Want one, Granger?" Asked Draco, holding out a button, "I've got loads. But don't touch my hand now. I've just washed it, you see: don't want a Mudblood sliming it up."

The Slytherins cackled, others let out a round of 'oohs' as if it was a match of who could come up with a better comeback. A circle was slowly forming around the three, the crowd only encouraging the chaos. But the laughing immediately ceased when Harry pulled his wand out of his robe.

"Harry!" Hermione warned, grabbing hold of his arm.

"Go on then, Potter," Draco dared, drawing his wand out as well. "Do it, if you've got the guts."

For a second they just looked at each other with such loathing and hostility it seemed they were trying to shoot each other like they had lasers in their eyes. Then at the same time, they both acted.

"Furnunculus!" Harry yelled.

"Densaugeo!" Jets of light shot from both their wands hitting each other in midair and ricocheting, Harry's spell hit Flint in the face and Draco's hit Hermione's face.

Flint bellowed, clutching his nose where great ugly boils were splotching around his face. His nose immediately started swelling up to twice its size.

Hermione was whimpering in panic and falling to her knees to hide what was growing from her mouth.

"Hermione!" Ronald hurried forward out of his hiding place in the crowd, he no longer wanted to be seen with Harry. He pried Hermione's hands off her face, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him.

Her front teeth were now growing at an alarming rate. She looked more and more like a beaver the more her teeth grew; her front teeth grew past her chin and she let out a terrified cry.

"And what is all this noise?" Said a cold deadly voice. Snape walked into the hallway, glaring at both Hermione and Harry in distaste.

Slytherins clamored to give their explanations, all of them defending Draco. Snape rolled his eyes and sighed heavily before pointing a long spider-like finger at Draco.


Draco looked up at him, "Potter attacked me, sir-" he was cut off by Potter.

"We attacked each other at the same time!" He exclaimed.

"- and the spells ricocheted and he hit Flint- look-" Draco nodded towards Flint. Snape examined his face with disgust. Red boils were covering his face, they slowly started blooming down his neck.

"Hospital wing, Flint."

"Malfoy got Hermione- look!" Ron proclaimed, shaking her shoulders. She struggled to hide them with her hands since they were past her collar.

"I see no difference," Snape drawled, looking away from Hermione with a blank face.

Hermione let out a whimper, her eyes filling with tears. She turned on her heel and ran up the stairs.

"Let's see," He said in his silkiest voice, he went quiet for a minute, inspecting the crowd around him. "Fifty points from Gryffindor and detention for Potter and Weasley. Now sit down or it'll be a week's worth of detentions . . . Everyone inside, or you'll be marked late."

Draco sat down on his stool satisfied with his work, the rest of the Slytherins were quietly chuckling at the back of the classroom.

Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now