Chapter 81

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(Almost over....Let's hope Ara Black Year 2 will be just as populer!And no that's not the title I don't want to give it away just yet!

Do you guys think I should post Ara's birthday in the one shots or not bother at all....

So speaking of bonus chapters,I found a way to fit year 2 in without having to write another book!But you know what you guys should do?Ask questions but not to me,To Ara Black!I thought why not!So when I post this and from a week on after ask questions to her and they will be answered in a chapter!

Ask Ara Questions Fan Vote Comment Enjoy!)

The sun was shinning,The birds where singing,The family of red head Weasley's where awake,Their mother cooking,Their father smiling at his children as they laughed and talked about their summer as they sat around the table.

Then their was the black haired girl,Who was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet lid while she starred at the black death mark on her left arm,The tears while brimming her dark eyes,But she refused to let them fall.Her breathing was slow and she was slightly hunched over,In her fist was her wand she was holding in a tight grip

Her mind was pacing between idea's and spells to get the unwanted tattoo,It seemed impossible but Ara believed that nothing was impossible.

She couldn't keep her mind set on one thing,She was trying to keep calm but it wasn't working the way she wanted it,She kept thinking about Voldemort and the death eaters,Hiding it from everyone,And the mark on her arm that would make people hate and or fear her.

Molly and Arther where informed of the Death Mark from Dumbledore before Ara came off the train,Ara new that they new about the mark she was hiding and she seen the worried looks from Arther and the sympathetic looks from Molly,She hated it,She couldn't stand it,The mark,in her eyes made her like her father,A killer

"Are you in their?"A voice whispers from the other side of the door,One that belonged to a Ginny Weasley

"Uh..."Ara clears her voice"Yeah I kinda tired"

"Oh...Well Mom wants to know if your coming for breakfast,You know before the boys eat everything"Ginny jokes

Ara nods even though Ginny can't see it"Yeah I'll be down"She gets up and opens the door to the girl a year younger then her"Let's go"Ara gives a half smile as they walk downstairs

"Good morning Ara"Molly says over the talking

"Good morning"Ara says back"Do you need any help?"She asks as she down between Ron and Ginny

Molly smiles fondly at the girl she practically raised"No,That's alright Ara"She puts a plate down in front of Ara that had scrambled eggs,2 sausage links and a piece of toast

Ara looked up to meet eyes with Fred,And her mind reeled into a flash back

 -Past,In the compartment with Fred-

"....I still love you,And I will wait for you as long as it takes"

Ara puts a hand over Fred's hand and sighs"Fred...Please,I don't want you to wait,I don't...have those feelings for you"She stops seeing the tears pool his eyes"It may take a while Fred,I don't...look at anyone like that"She lies"Just give me time"

Fred just stays silent"You look at Cedric like you love him"

"What..."Ara narrows her dark eyebrows

"Nothing"Fred shakes his head

Ara opens her mouth but George and Lee come into the compartment"Did we interrupt something"George asks quietly

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