※☆ The first attack ☆※

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Yes I know I skipped the orientation thing but let's say that didn't happen so we skip a bit to them in class and are about to get their hero costumes and yes they already met All Might. But they didn't do that whole activity when Bakugou almost killed Deku- they did training or something instead.

Bumblebee's POV:

"Alright brats. Today we're going to USJ-" My dad was interrupted by the pink alien. "Universal Studios Japan?!" She yelled. "No. It's not that" "Awww!" Everybody said.

"It's the Unforeseen Simulation Joint." I said. They all looked at me. "How do you know that?" Asked the kirby. "Dad took my older brother there when he was in his first year and he took us both when teaching the past Class 1-A's. I got to watch the classes train, so I know the place."

"Who's your older brother?" Asked pikachu. I looked at him. "That for me to know and for you to possibly find out." I responded.

The all looked at me in confusion. "As I was saying, we're gonna be there with Pro hero Thirteen." All the girls said "Oooo!" "Alright, all your hero costume designs that you sent in are made into your costumes." Then boxes came out of the left wall.

All of us were amazed. "Look for a box with your name on it, take your costumes and Head to the changing rooms." We all stood up and took our hero costumes. I looked at mine and gasped. "Yes! They got the material I wanted!" They got a similar material to the one in my dad's scarf.

Dad looked at me with my hero costume. I could tell he wasn't impressed with my hero design that he saw. It was fantasy based and was only a bit revealing. I need to be prepared for any power of mine I need to use!

We were in the changing rooms and I was too insecure to change but I eventually got the courage to. Besides, my hero costume is kinda revealing. As I was taking off my top, Alien girl gasped and said "Omg! Shoyo! You look so fit!"

My eyes widened and all the girls looked at me. "U-um.." "How are you so fit?" Asked Yaomom. "Like I said, I'm very acrobatic.." The girls were amazed. "Oooo!"

After they got together and are walking to the bus.

This is the hero costume:

(Credits to actual owner of the art)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Credits to actual owner of the art)

(Pretend her hair is still covering her eyes and she still has her ears, tail, halo and nose and her hair is loose)

Kaminari's POV:

When I saw Bumblebee's hero costume, I started blushing because of how it revealed some of her skin and she looks cute with her curly hair that touched the floor.. She was talking with some of the girls while we were walking to the bus.

"Kamibro!" Kirishima smacked my arm. "Ow! What the heck bro?!" "-you got at thing for Shoyo or something? You keep staring at her-!" I blushed at that statement. "N-no I don't!"

💥𝓽ꫝꫀ𝓲𝘳  𝘴ρꪖ𝘳𝘬⚡️ (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin