cafeteria chat

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The rainbooms eating their lunch on their personal table in the cafeteria stop thinking about daolon wong stole talismans powers from zodiac animals from both worlds and suddenly bulk and cloudy show up at their table to greet.

Bulk: "hey girls."

They stop thinking to look up at bulk and his girlfriend with warm smiles, pinkie pie said, "hey you two. Oh by the way where flash and christy anyway because me and rarity didn't see them during 2nd block."

Bulk: "they're at hospital to due christy ultrasound to see the baby going to be a boy or a girl."

Applejack: "that's good, flash going to be great father to his son or daughter."

Fluttershy learn her head on applejack right shoulder to said, "including you too, my love." Applejack smile on her face to comment from her girlfriend about going to be father/mother for their baby.

Sci twi: "did your families know about since yesterday afternoon."

Applejack: "eeyup, they're very happy about it and excited to see the baby soon."

Pinkie pie: "I set "welcome to the world party" for your baby, you two."

Sunset: "the baby begins to cry about loud streamers come out from your party cannon, isn't good idea pinks."

Pinkie: "oh candy corn."

"Greetings citizens."

They turn at the right to see blue senturion at their table just come out of nowhere and pinkie pie said of amaze, "oh, cybernetic police from intergalactic in the future just come to help us to find zodiac animals from both worlds before daolon wong does. Am I right."

Blue senturion: "that's correct ma'am."

The others blink their eyes twice that pinkie pie saying and rainbow dash said to her of confused and surprised, "how do you know that, pinks."

Pinkie: "just a hunch."

Copper plum walk by their table towards trash bin and said, "that's why I love her so much."

[New chapter is out for this story]

raridash story vol. 3 : the wrath of daolon wongWhere stories live. Discover now