timber spruce and sci twi moment

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Twilight was wandering around the forest with her new friend.

Sci twi: "keep it together... Deep breath.. Your not a monster."

Then she bumped into timber spruce and scream.

Sci twi: "oh, hi. What are you doing here?"

Timber: "uh..looking for you."

Sci twi: "oh, we just went on a hiking walk and got a little lost."

Timber: "we?"

He gasped to saw blue bear next to her and walked towards it.

Timber: "no way, you're real."

Sci twi: "what are you talking about?"

Timber: "well my parents told me and my sister as kids about it. A story about gummi bears just bounce up and down from drinking gummiberry juice and live inside the tree for centuries inside the woods. But the ages still the same."

Sci twi: "really."

Timber: "yup, come in let me show you two the way. I'm kinda of expert at these woods. I've lived here my whole life."

The three then walked and talked each other.

Sci twi: "that's must have been nice. Growing up at a camp."

Timber: "yeah, through it has it downside." "When I was younger, I wished we'd sell this place so we would live in a town like normal people."

Sci twi: "really."

Timber: "I was ten. I really wanted to hang out at the mall."

The two then start giggling with smile on their faces.

Timber walks to twilight as he say's," I've never told that to everyone. You must be special."

The two then begin to blush a bit.

Timber: "and not just because you have tree branch into your hair."

He pulling a branch from twilight's hair.

Sci twi: "ugh. How long has that been in there."

Timber: "not long. Just the whole time we were talking."

Surprise by this, she nudges timber with a grin, and ask,"well, why you didn't say anything?"

[New chapter is out tonight]

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