Elle Greenaway Catch-Up

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How You met: I walked into the BAU bullpen it was my first day and I was suppose the meet with Agent Hotchner, but I had no idea where I could find him. As I was walking around I bumped into someone and said "Oh shit I'm so sorry." The brunette I bumped into said "It's okay. It's looked like you were looking for something do you need any help?" I nodded and said "Yes actually I'm looking for Agent Hotchner I have a meeting with him." The brunette nodded and said "I can take you to his office. I'm Elle by the way." I smiled and said "I'm Y/N." She smiled and said "It's nice to meet you now follow me." I nodded and followed her some stairs and we stopped outside a office. She turned to me and said "This is Agent Hotchners office. He should be in there so just knock." I nodded and she left me alone outside the door.

She Realizes She Likes You As More Than A Friend: I was sitting next to Y/N on the jet and she was joking around with Morgan. She laughed about something Morgan said and her laugh is the best thing in the world. I smiled while thinking about her. I was pulled out my thoughts when I heard Y/N say "What's going on in the pretty little head of yours Elle? Your smiling a lot." I looked at her and said "I was just thinking." She nodded and said "Okay well I was wondering if when we land back in Qunatico if you want to come to my apartment with me and watch a movie." I nodded and said "I would love to." She smiled and went back to talking with Morgan.

How She Would React If You Held Her Hand Before You're Dating: I was sitting with Elle in a conference room at a police station in a city that we had a case in. It was storming outside and I was really nervous because I hate storms. I saw a flash of lighting and subconsiously reached out and grabbed Elle's hand. She looked at me and said "Are you okay Y/N?" I looked at her and said "Yeah I'm okay I'm just not a big fan of storms." She nodded and said "Okay. Well you can hold my hand as much as you would like." I smiled and said "Thank you Elle."

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